logged (Unchosen) vs Unholy (HC) TD: 2.243.616.800

So after long hunting on this guys from the old the hate alliance i finally got the last fleeter from the old alliance the hate :P...now one more has fall from HC in the front of my fleet remember dear HC members when i said one by one until i will get each and everyone of you? yes you are remembering that of course you do for that you all hate me lol ...because i am crushing fleets big fleets :P...so let;s keep on the subject in here i probed him like say 2 hours before the attack no movement no attacks no probes back no pm;s no increasing in raids resources no nothing i waited one more hour for that and i send it my resources next to him my fleet too and BOOM, BOOM, BOOM you all can see the results this is the no,2 hit from scoreboard now lol and this week well it was my luckiest week i can tell you that i got Sumalee Wilahn and now a major fleeter Unholy from my good alliance of ''friends'' Hells Champions :P...so let;s see the cr shall we ? :p...and now i think Unholy will be kicked from HC how TheAttackeR been after i crushed him :P...

Attacker Loss: 241.920.000 Defender Loss:2.001.696.800
winnings Metal:17.098.285 Crystal:4.298.707 Deuterium:21.067.757
Debris Metal:678.688.080 Crystal:667.482.000

And the follow ups to recover my deuterium from the launching and make some profit lol a lot of it :))))....

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:8.549.143 Crystal:2.149.354 Deuterium:10.533.878
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:4.274.571 Crystal:1.074.677 Deuterium:5.266.939
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:2.137.286 Crystal:537.338 Deuterium:2.633.470
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:1.068.643 Crystal:268.669 Deuterium:1.316.735
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

First wave of recs :
You collect; 400.000.000 units of Metal and 400.000.000 units of Crystal.

Second wave of recs :
You collect; 278.688.080 units of Metal and 267.562.000 units of Crystal.

So A big GLOTR Unholy you deserve it :P...because you dodge it me more then the entire top fleeters that i hunted :P...

ING Names : logged

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Re: logged (Unchosen) vs Unholy (HC) TD: 2.243.616.800

Nice hit, GLoTR Unholy.....
As i just posted in in our Alliance Circs, some of us get hit and some of us hit others....Everybody gets hit at least once. Nothing wrong with that. Remember, you got hit TWICE by HC members,Logged.... To me it's all about the fun. It's a war game and attacks are to be expected. We will not kick Unholy, why should we? Attacker did not get kicked, he LEFT.
So have fun with your loot and we both know how fast Unholy will rebuild :)
BTW, just so you know....Like i just said, it's a war game and i hereby declare all NAPS i had with any player before they joined Unchosen null and void. Let's start hunting each other like we're supposed too ;)

MrSinister :twisted:
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: logged (Unchosen) vs Unholy (HC) TD: 2.243.616.800

Finally a nice post from you lol :)))).....thx it was a nice hit and finally you get it this is a war game and it is all about the attacks :-j..and crushing yes i did get hit it by HC but i recovered nicely and i think after this hit i will be no.1 at points :P...or i hope so lol :)))))...you attacked me i attacked you and so on this is a war game nobody need to hate the attacker or the defender because for that is a war game to attack and to get attacked :P....and yeah i said about your last hit on me that was a nice hit what can i tell i was dumb enough to drunk too much and i coulnd;t move :)))).....and some days later my girl friend grand mother died so i had a lot of **** in real life to take care off but now i have some free time for crushing and raiding :P...and after your hit on me i realized that even i with the biggest fleet from Massacre i am not safe from 1 rip suicide :|..the battle engine give to the rip unlimited power i dunno why because i simulate it and even if i will get like 1.000.000 light lasers and rocket and 100.000 heavy and 100k plasmas 100k ion and gauss i will still can;t stop a suicide rip to come after my recs and ec lol :))))....it will be like 7.500.000 lose for the attacker and 4- lose for the defense this is not right but this is Massacre battle engine that we love so much :))))....so good night everyone i need to sleep lol :)))...and Sinister respects for a nice post :P..even if i know that you are hating me so much :)))).....
ING Names : logged

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