Mine Ratios

I was trying to balance my mines with the cost it takes to produce some common ships and found that (as I was always under the presumption of) your metal should be highest then crystal followed by deuterium. Now other than deuterium, which always can and should be up-ed, what is the "golden ratio" of your crystal and metal mines as the higher the metal level is it soon outproduces crystal by such a margin that leaves excess metal left over.

So for those who just skim, what is a good ratio for you mine levels to be at?

Re: Mine Ratios

here is a rule of thumb i follow, its a priority list

Priority 1: Always keep your energy positive. (Solar Sats are unreliable unless you have a decent shell to protect them)

Priority 2: Always build the least expensive one (it is usually metal mine to deut mine to crystal mine)
PS: deut comes ahead of crystal after level 28.

Just for a guidance here is a simple ways you can get your mines growing...

lets say you have MM20, CM20, DM20

=> MM25, CM23, DM23

=> MM28, CM25, DM25

=> MM30, CM28, DM28

=> MM33, CM30, DM30

=> MM36, CM30, DM33

As you can see DM33 goes ahead of CM30 at this stage of the game you will be producing more metal+deut than Crystals that is when you will understand that the most scarce commodity in ZE is actually crystals not Deut :) and you will trade them in by selling out metals/deut or you will have to raid them in or get them from fleet crashing.

Hope that helps.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Mine Ratios

Phoenix, dont listen to a miner. if you want the ratio of your ships realize this, crystal is your big shortage. pick the ship you think you might build the most of and look to see what the costs are. then set your mines to give you that ratio. that is what you should do. this 2 metal more than crystal more than deut proposed by spy is so outdated its not funny. every level you build check to see if the production is at the ratio you want. that will tell you what to build next.

Re: Mine Ratios

metal 20 crystal 30 deut 34

thats when i even bother to build mine as to go to 31 crystal or deut 35 with solar plant i could build 1000 or more bc's the mines will take 3-4 months to produce 1000bc's

since i plan on running fleet, mostly i just run deut 20 for an emergency back up stash. duet storage 2 and that is all. for a fleeter mines are just for perma points.

Re: Mine Ratios

mmm not a pure fleeter i see.. the fact is you are going for perma points and also going for mines.

there is a slight difference between your war of thinking and a true HYBRID's way of thinking mate.

here is another intel about building mines.

Keep a steady raiding income.

get mines up as much as possible.

get research going...

scrap income for fleets.

now why would you mention of building mines and yet demand that you are a fleeter? that beats my thinking process.. sorry you just poked the troll side of mine a bit so i am going to let it out a bit.

why restrain yourself of getting a better mining production? when its free resource? having a prejudice that i am only going to fleet and build fleet is ok but you are spending your precious fleeting income for building crystal mines and deut mines? i suppose you dont see it as a waste of your fleeting income.

here is how the wise players play the game.

build your mines up with your mining production.

build your fleet with your fleeting income and raid income...

get better research with the excess of resources or if it is necessary make it a phase for research only.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Mine Ratios

first of all i only built those mines when i first started playing the game and didn't know better. second mines will never build them selves. unless you want to wait 6 months or more. then you need def or cargos to carry the res while you wait. letting mines build them selves works till about 20-25 then its out the window.
Crystal Mine (Level 30)
Produces Crystal, a major component of many technological researches, ships, defenses and buildings.
Resources Needed : Metal: 63.802.943 Crystal: 31.901.471
63.316 that is 21 days of hoping no one wants to hit my planet for 31 million crystal. days increase if i have to build anything to keep that res safe.
second of all my research is just fine. im finishing up on the wsa of 19 that seems standard until you get a really big fleet. I built production buildings so i can insta build ships, and im almost always a top raider each week. so take your wise players and put it on the chopping block because that is not how a wise player plays the game. a wise player will look at the resources of any thing they build or research and decide if it will benefit them. mines never pay for them selves in any type of realistic matter. if you had level 40 mines you could make only 42 battle cruisers per day with the mine income, but it would take you nearly 4.5 years just for the mines to produce the res to make a level 40 mine and add 1 more year if you need to keep your res safe. that is not, in any way ever a wise idea for a fleeter or hybrid. The only mines a fleeter even needs, and barley at that, are deut mines in case they need to jump to a new moon real quick, they can get some deut from the planet to fs or begin raiding. At that its only for emergencys because otherwise you would have sent the deut ahead of time so when you jumped its there. If you want to keep playing sim planet go ahead, but in this game mines are only good for perma points.
as to free resource. only if they could possibly pay for them selves. 20 min of raiding and I have already generated more than your daily production of you entire empire.
I will give you and everyone else for doing an excellent job on the sale of mines. You had me in the beginning too. that is why I have any mines at all. but a wise person doesn't keep following fools advice from those that think their wise.