Re: Story Time :D

They walk up the river to find a waterfall of red tinted water. They then walk up to the waterfall finding a cave with a horrid stench emitting from it one ventures inside to check it out then runs out to vomit in the river. The other two look at each other then walk inside to find a mountain of corpses from the ceiling to the floor blocking a hidden cave behind it.... ((This is going to get great))

Re: Story Time :D

With the Mage REALLY tired, because of all of the mana she spent with her magick, she could not construct a bridge or anything. She was reading a book she secretly took from the castle.
Inside, it said, "...the origins of magick came from a monk...," oh gOd (xD God :lol: ) this is boring
"...the use of magick is tied in with uniting with the element you seek to master. The dangers of trying this is great. Most magicians have one element that they naturally start off with. Rarely are those who know all four, fire, water, ground, and air; and some combinations in between...If you use too much magick, you have a chance of tapping into your life force, converting your life into your magick. This is especially bad if you use a fire based attack since you will be constantly feeding energy in to the heat...Water is easy to master for the quick, agile mages. They have the natural fluidity that helps them coexist with the element. Fire is for the hot tempered, easy to provoked. They have the potential anger inside to feed the flames. Earth is mostly for the lazy mage who is similar to a sloth. Air is one of the hardest to master, since there are so many distractions nearby that can pull you in and misdirect your magick and concentration...Only true mages can master all four elements and everything in between..." DANG! i have a lot of reading to do. :o

Re: Story Time :D

Richard98 wrote:With the Mage REALLY tired, because of all of the mana she spent with her magick, she could not construct a bridge or anything. She was reading a book she secretly took from the castle.
Inside, it said, "...the origins of magick came from a monk...," oh gOd (xD God :lol: ) this is boring
"...the use of magick is tied in with uniting with the element you seek to master. The dangers of trying this is great. Most magicians have one element that they naturally start off with. Rarely are those who know all four, fire, water, ground, and air; and some combinations in between...If you use too much magick, you have a chance of tapping into your life force, converting your life into your magick. This is especially bad if you use a fire based attack since you will be constantly feeding energy in to the heat...Water is easy to master for the quick, agile mages. They have the natural fluidity that helps them coexist with the element. Fire is for the hot tempered, easy to provoked. They have the potential anger inside to feed the flames. Earth is mostly for the lazy mage who is similar to a sloth. Air is one of the hardest to master, since there are so many distractions nearby that can pull you in and misdirect your magick and concentration...Only true mages can master all four elements and everything in between..." DANG! i have a lot of reading to do. :o

you are awsome rich but yawn lol
Dont fear death welcome it...

Re: Story Time :D

They wander over to the other side finding a watery cave. They walk into the cave wondering where it leads. They wander until they come upon a open space in the cavern that is lite by glowing mushrooms (Skyrim reference) the wander farther they find a panel they walk up and pick up the.......