Oh Jesus Tiitty fing Christ I should have edited, its a big deal here
Ok I edited this one:) I am Fleeting Under the Influence
By the way new ZE features I think is

, War games, people like war till they get attacked and vmode . more realistically, ZE with useless medals for no ruby less you buy them period, its not a realistic war game when so much info can be seen without 1 probe launched. ZE has some great features but more bad features for a good game. Mostly I like other games even worst than ZE in features with admins who let you have free speech with the mindset their game will be better that players will choose, not have it enforced
Weresloth would say something like " then dont play here" lol All the flaws of the game shall be exposed, and instead of fixing it for a better game, ZE bans. So ban me now to prove me right