Story Time :D

Rules- 1.Stay on topic 2. Make sense so the readers can enjoy (We may just skip over your part if it doesn't fit.) 3. Stick with the Era ((Meaning No Time Travel)). 4. This is going to be part Fantasy so magic is allowed but NO OVERPOWERED MAGIC 5. Try to make it a max length of 1-6 sentences per post, One post per person until another posts see below.

Story so far
Thinman wrote:As the group walked along the shady trail, headed north, they came upon a carving in a tree. It seemed to them to be a territorial marking of some sort. They glanced at each other with nervous expressions, none of them dare mention what they thought. ....
oXOctaviaXo wrote:One walked forward without hesitation walking down a hill pondering over the "marking" until he sprang a leaf trap. He screams ahead and the others rush to join his side finding him in a hole bleeding with a spike inside of his chest.... ((This is getting good ))
deadspace wrote:They look at each other with a panicked look in their eyes,They know they cant help him but they wont leave his side,he dies shortly after. They Foolishly continue on not a word said....((not good at stories but worth a try))
Richard98 wrote:Soon after, they hear a loud screech from behind! Their dead friend has a black oil jetting out of his puncture wound, singing the green grass beneath, turning them yellow. The 'zombie' opens his mouth again and lets out another bloodcurdling scream.
From the puncture wound, they all see a black web spreading out and lacing his friend.
The zombie slowly groans...and opens his eyes......
(okay or not? :P)
oXOctaviaXo wrote:They look back with fear in there eyes they run as fast as they can only to find more woods in the area they come upon a abandoned castle. They enter the castle with caution and the door slams shut behind them. ((BTW this is going in a Medieval direction That means NO GUNS >.> ))
deadspace wrote:OOO a zombie story...They wonder around the abandoned castle when they hear a sound they look at each other wondering if this castle was TRULY abandoned. they come through a door to a master bedroom with suits of armors and hand-made swords hanging on the wall when they see an old man sitting in what appears to be a throne he welcomes them in his castle with ease and asks them "what are you all doing walking in forbidden territory.".."Did you not see the markings,this land is cursed with a plague and you are simply feeding it"....((is this good i mean if were going medieval then this seems right to talk like this btw richard and thinman we are not posting names for them and try to put detail in it we will skip over your posts sry but try harder next time))
Richard98 wrote:((k then lets go all the way {tonight XD} and make grammar+spelling good then lol))
"What do you mean?" the group asked.
"Did you pass that hill by accident?" the old man asked, "In case you didn't know, there is a prophecy that names 3 heroes that will go through a dangerous path in order to banish a great evil to their seperate domain..."
((I hope its good lol only 8th grade so dont go college on me :]))
deadspace wrote:The group remembers the symbol and now knows what it means. "We did pass a symbol on the path but we had not known what it meant" the group said. "That is why your friend has died,for their can only be 3,for it hath said,'Their can only be 3 heroes that may pass through this forbidden land, the fourth shall meet an un-timely fate" the Old Man said.

Continue onward.

P.S This may never end ;)
Last edited by oXOctaviaXo on Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Story Time :D

"Phew, I thought we started an apocalypse or something," they are all relieved.
The old man drew a symbol on the ground=
and then said, "This symbol is for warding off evil. If you want to help restore your friend's life, you will need the SCROLL. On it, you must find the symbol and master the magick in order to avert a disaster. So this is how you will get it..."

Re: Story Time :D

"You will have to fight foes like no other,These foes wield the most powerful weapons known to man. With these weapons they can kill a man with a swipe of their hand. Be cautious for the road ahead is a long one" With that the old man vanishes leaving back dust....

Re: Story Time :D

The travelers look around the castle looking for any weapons that they could use to fight off any enemies that they may come across. they find a note in the dust it says 'The journey to become heroes and ridding this land of its evil will be a long trip and wont be easy to obtain the right weapons you will need to overcome dangerous obstacles in your path' you may choose who you become in the journey i will not promise all of you will survive'....((im a lil tired not my best ill be better 2morrow))

Re: Story Time :D

They look under the note but nothing is there they pocket the note and look at each other they walk into the next room to find mage cloth on the wall and a chest containing 2 Iron daggers a bow and a Great sword each pick up the item of their choice. One puts on the robes them glows with intensity......

Re: Story Time :D

Richard98 wrote:The old man drew a symbol on the ground=
and then said, "This symbol is for warding off evil.
Canticle for Leibowitz anyone?

...Sorry to disturb the story <.<
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Re: Story Time :D

They exit the castle ready for their journey.They walk down a path branching off the main path they came down,30 minutes later they are a ways from the castle and they hear a rustling in the nearby trees,they do not know what it is but they know they must be ready for anything..SUDDENLY one of those creatures they encountered earlier comes out and tries to attack them.they succeed in killing it but a horde of them come down the path running....((ooo what will they do stay and fight or try to outrun...never know thats what makes in interesting))

Re: Story Time :D

They look into each others eyes then one says in a serious tone of voice "Lets Do This". The Mage raises her fist and a gigantic spiked piece of earth comes up in front of them after that the one with the bow climbs up and starts firing arrows into the creatures. Suddenly the earth at the top of the spear start to crumble the bowman falls down the other side. A few seconds after the Swordsman runs to the top of the spike and jumps off with his sword pointed down to the ground.....

Re: Story Time :D

A blast of air comes from the force of him hitting the ground and blows the creatures away. the creatures are defeated the heroes know that is not the last they'll see of them and continue on the path until they come to red tinted river....((is it it a monster...are they organisms????))