Re: adding increase mine production into zorg physics tech

Just wanna interject a bit more for you all lesser beings.

Just so you know the hardest resource to acquire is not deuterium in ze it is "Crystals". Also in economic terms after you have passed through a certain stage in game crystals gets really scarce to find. unless you are a pro hybrid, even so there will be time when u will want crystals more than your own heart, kidney, lungs or some body parts or soul.

just saying which is scarce is not the driving reasons for game play specifics. yes there will always be some resources that u will always find hard to find but that shouldnt make this game shape up. I am asking for the tech to enrich deuterium production only on three grounds...
1) Its logical choice
2) Metal and Crystal do not have any viable relativity with the science (unless i dont know of any)
** after all space games are for nerds please save some dignity for us
3) you can always trade deuterium out with rubies to get crystals. There should always be a constant need for ruby supplies if you want to keep the economy running
$$ zorg will love the idea of ruby use. $$
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: adding increase mine production into zorg physics tech

'Crystals are the main resource used to build electronic circuits for computers and other electronic circuits and form certain alloy compounds for shields. Compared to the metal production process, the processing of raw crystalline structures into industrial crystals requires special processing. As such, more energy is required to process the raw crystal than needed for metal. Development of ships and buildings, and specialized research upgrades, require a certain quantity of crystals.'
that is why i think crystal should be included :)
'At greater depths, the mines can produce more output of viable metal for use in the construction of buildings, ships, defense systems, and research.'
not just Minecraft xD

Re: adding increase mine production into zorg physics tech

i suppose this is a better link if you really wanna know whats going on in crystal mining...

Mining methods and procedures - Steps of mine development

Synthetic quartz

[quote=wiki]Most quartz used in microelectronics is produced synthetically. Large, flawless and untwinned crystals are produced in an autoclave via the hydrothermal process. The process involves treating crushed natural quartz with hot aqueous solution of a base such as sodium hydroxide. The hydroxide serves as a "mineralizer", i.e. it helps dissolve the "nutrient" quartz. High temperatures are required, often around 675 °C. The dissolved quartz then recrystallizes at a seed crystal at slightly lower temperatures. Approximately 200 tons of quartz were produced in the US in 2005; large synthesis facilities exist throughout the world. Synthetic quartz is often evaluated on the basis of its Q factor, a measure of its piezoelectric response and an indicator of the purity of the crystal.[9]

A synthetic silicon dioxide crystal grown by the hydrothermal method, about 19 cm long and weighing about 127 grams
High-temperature glass composed of silicon dioxide with no (or only small amounts of) other components is referred to as "quartz glass" or fused quartz, although it is amorphous in structure, rather than crystalline.[/quote]
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.