Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

there are alternatives to sats- you are only pissed because you loose your days production- this is the point of this strategy you loose the production plus the res for the sats... that is the real deal- well i like the idea and i want it implemented in speed as well hell guess what will happen to your sats guys...

I highly recommend pissing yourself followed by a course of praying to your impotent god.

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

harryballsac wrote:
You guys complaining of having thousands of ships sent at you with no hope in sight need to read up on acs defense missions, because there is plenty of ways to protect yourselves, acs just being one of them.

so there i was just minding my own business raiding inactive targets and what pops up but an attack. incoming 45000 lg's. harryballsac said i should acs defend. so i call upon all 7 other members of my alliance to come acs defend me. (hmm. small problem. 4 off line leave 3 left. total ship of three left missis the ability to defend by 90% and they cant get there in the 7 min till attack hits) (and i seen it coming from first sec lucky me) so i look to large players to come acs defend me, oh wait their the ones attacking, not going to defend against own alliance mate / or other friend in game) what to do, what to do. I cant seem to use this acs defend because no one is around to defend who has a fleet that can defend against an incoming attack with more than 45 times the number of ship i have. so I say acs defend not going to work 95% of the time. try again harryballsac with something more helpful. P.S. Im open to you placing all your planets next to mine and acs defending me against all attacks. So in summary, please let me know about these other options that dont include moving my fleet and loosing 30% of my planet defenses as I already (as well as all other little guys) know about those.

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

Well a big downside to having attacker of the week is going for TD without thought of actual profit, and unfortunately there isnt much you can do about that scenario. What I would suggest is not building a huge shell that attracts players seeking TD from you, and making it as unprofitable as you can. Cthat way, eventually they will tire of wasting 50 million deut on each flight. For the record, I've not been asked once to ACS any of not saying I would have, I'm just stating a fact.

For months I've thought the "attacker of the week" competition needs to be revised and tweeked to cut down on just this. I love having the competitive angle added to the game, but at what cost?

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

harryballsac wrote:A proper strategy is based on risk vs reward. There is ZERO risk involved here.
You are implying that having thousands of sats in orbit should not have risk. Why is that?

harryballsac wrote:...but the sat will become completely useless, and it will be the newer players making one post after another right here complaining about not being able to unlock the rip.
The sat will continue to be useful as a SUPPLEMENTAL energy source, rather than a main energy source, and useful to unlock the RIP and LG. You just need to upgrade your nanite factory for instant sats and gather the resources first, which is a wise tactic anyway. And the argument is a little disingenous to begin with, since it has been my experience since I started that fleeters love playing the grav tech spoiler game anyway, long before the LG.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the Spiffiest of them all?

Do Science Responsibly: Don't Do Science and Drive

"While it's good to learn from experience, it is better to learn from other people's experience" - Warren Buffett

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

You misunderstand spiff, I am not suggesting having sats is zero risk, i am only saying there is ZERO risk to the person sending the suicide lg's. Meaning, even if they are crashed, they don't care because they already count them as dead.

I have fairly high energy tech, and well developed energy sources to go along with it, so if this goes on as is, i won't lose any sleep, but i can't help but point out the senseless in it, and argue till im blue in the face with anyone calling this a strategy. It is nothing more than an oversight at the hands of the developers when the lg was introduced. I fully expect it will be corrected.

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

I think you guys should just shut up and leave the RF as it is.....
I'm not such a eloquent talker as some of you,i just know this... Sats float in space, cannons don't. They're on planets ,so it's logical for at least one type of ship to be able to crash those sats before taken out ... It's nice knowing that a player with 60 LG's can actually hit a player with 100K LG's....Doesn't matter if it's just their Sats crashed, the D/F created by crashing 1 LG into 6k Sats should be profit enough for a small player..
I say -1 to the proposal...


Please feel free to voice your opinion, but be kind not to tell people to shut up. -BFC
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

1) Sats are a cheaper energy source.
2) If you already have a high level mine, building those sats back won't be much of a trouble. You may be able to build em up back in a few raids too maybe.
3) If the attack is sent while you're on, you get the DF in most cases which makes the attacker face the loss.
What should I do? Risk my life fighting you, or watch how you're killing everyone? I would turn around.. walk away.. never care, but that... would just make me a Human.
We both know, HUMAN I AM NOT!!