Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

it is not a problem, it is a strategy. it is a way for the little guy to fight back. if that is taken from them then the moon destroy against them should be taken from the big guys. and yes it is to slow their mine production, witch in turn slows their rip production. in war, a strategy to cut off enemy supply lines is commonly used, this is no different. It will take them no time to replace the 20k+ sats i destroyed; I am still rebuilding my moons after they were destroyed over a week ago. They lost a few sats, i lost multiple millions of res in moon buildings. I will stop using this tactic against them if they will leave my moons alone, otherwise i will destroy as many of their sats as i can and still make profit.
If I cannot have your respect, your fear will do just fine.
It's to bad stupidity isn't painful

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

This is NOT a legitmate strategy. This is not a way for small guys to fight back, this is a way to render big miners powerless. What is the incentive for players to buid up mines if they cannot use them? Top fleeters don't relly on mines as much as you think, you can tell by look at raiding scores.

You compared MD with this, but Moon destruction has risks, as CR already shown MD can be ninja'd, ACS defended, backfired. what about this? There is no way to stop it. You said it yourself that you can do it to others whenever you want, that sounds like a threat.

20k sats cost a lot of resources, not to mention the player you used it on cannot rebuild them because he will lose it again if they do.

Please focus on the topic and avoid flaming btw

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

its simple if you md me, their is nothing i can do about it. i can put another moon up, but then you can destroy it again. and again and again. I have sats on one planet that i use. I already decided that is was cheaper to rebuild them if they are destroyed than to build the next solar plant. I made fusion reactors as a back up and turned them off till needed. I seriously doubt that a big miner is relying on sats as his only source of energy. So an attack like this only costs him 10-20% production for the few hours they are down. hardly a fair comparison against the weeks of rebuilding if someone destroys my moon. Additionally if you look up at the top of your browser you will see it says Zorg Empire (relm) - The best space Strategy game. key word strategy. all attacks are a strategy. you dont like it because its something you cant defend against. well here is another news flash, they dont always work, some times you dont get any sats some times you only get a couple. just as with md missions their are risks. When you send 50k bc's at me what chance do I have. I cant stop it. My entire alliance combined couldnt stop it and you know it that is why you dont send 500 that it would take to win the battle. Your mad! I understand. I am happy your mand!! you are finally seeing what it feels like when some does something to you that you just cant defend against. Welcome to the game.

~ please see above. Warning issued for flaming.

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

If you can flatly saw using RF is not a valid strategy, then by all means do away with it. However, I do not remotely agree. If you have 20k sats they will get crushed on way or another. What does a midsized fleeter care if it takes 1 lg or 300? Most players I know, have them swatted by an ally once the research is done.

It is strategy from both points of view. The researcher must think about how he'll accomplish the work. It's a nice change of pace from just saving and spendiing.
Outside the box? What box?

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

Considering the number one reason for LG's existence is as a counter to Rips... then obviously it was designed to be more of a Defensive vessel than an Offensive one... following that thought.. best thing would be to remove RF from LG' as they only have it against Rips and Rips alone.
Just about every ship in the game drop Sat's pretty easily.. why have such a Powerful Defensive ship have the ability also... We are seeing way too many Big Players sending massive LG attacks at smaller Players...
In this game as in most I have played.. It is Larger Players attacking newer ones as soon as they break above the Noob Protect ceiling.. that causes the eventual death of the game.... and many can argue pointlessly..
But I would say Most of the Super Power Players in all servers... got that way by Raping Noobs.( no offense intended..a staple of all games online)
All of you guys are intelligent enough to figure a way to make your sats safe... however..with 1 suicide LG taking them out.. that is ridiculous..and should be addressed.
Another thing maybe to address is the Big Player who holds his head high.. but just loves to send Pathetic attacks against others.. where he see's a Spy report on target with little to no profit to be had..and no ships..and attacks with like 7500 BC's just to be a Jerk. Many things should be addressed if you guys want to retain newer players and raise the activity ratio on all the servers. That's what Zorg Empires should be thinking about.


Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

My point is this. I will stop destroying sats if you (chosen) stop destroying my moons. I do not hit the same planet twice as far as sats go. Chosen has destroyed the same moon twice however. The fact that this is even a topic shows that it is a legit strategy. I agree that it could be abused, however that comes down to player ethics. Also, there is risk in this tactic, for instance; I launched 2 lg at a player in Chosen last night. I only killed 2 sats. i lost 120k crystal and metal not to mention the deut to send them, though that was negligible. It is not a sure thing that the sats will be destroyed. Try a hybrid energy plan. Use fusion reactors if sats are lost. The rest of the time they can stay off.

P.S.: I agree with Hatter. If you address the issue that has us here, then also address the issue that has given birth to the LG suicide sat destroy missions in the first place.
If I cannot have your respect, your fear will do just fine.
It's to bad stupidity isn't painful

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

first and a was reading this a must say what my rivel ex say flapper
am with him on this one
stop crying big guys first and why
if somone destroy yours solar by that tactic you will lose only small amount of production when you are on you can easy raid inactive and rebuild sats on instant
you say fleeters dont realy on mines then big fat cow why you posted this then if you dont use mines for production
second one a think is fair that little guys can fight and take that resurses to improve there growing
because you all use Md against them to just find his little fleet
.you should better improve rapid fire of lunars against deathstars with 7000 lunars or 8000 or more you cant stop 100 deathstars without losing 1000 lunars or more
why you afreid so much the destroy only sats the dont attack yours planet for resurses.
you think weak players will do that only if the read this forum post
players ho dont have forum account will not know about this tactic.
so no big deal if somone took sats

Code: Select all

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

I would just like to refute the claim that it is not possible to power high level mines without huge numbers of sats. Without rubies it may be true, but I think it is safe to say that the people complaining do use rubies. I have a couple of planets in X with MM 39, CM 34, DS 35 and NO SATS. Most of the rest have less than 1k sats. Likewise, in Speed my mine levels are around MM 37/38, CM 33/34, DS 34 and I have less than 1k sats per planet. It IS possible to power high level mines without sats. The fusion reactors get expensive, but it can be done.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the Spiffiest of them all?

Do Science Responsibly: Don't Do Science and Drive

"While it's good to learn from experience, it is better to learn from other people's experience" - Warren Buffett

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

A proper strategy is based on risk vs reward. There is ZERO risk involved here. This is a blatant flaw in the game, that needs to be addressed ASAP. You are "risking" 120-180k crystal and a couple K deut each launch?? Don't make me laugh, that can be paid for by visiting any inactive player just ONCE. If these guys were sending 200-300 lg to get these results, fine, that is a proper sttrategy with balanced risks....but that is not what is going on here.

You guys complaining of having thousands of ships sent at you with no hope in sight need to read up on acs defense missions, because there is plenty of ways to protect yourselves, acs just being one of them.

Personally, I dont rely on my sats very heavily, and if this is not fixed, I will adapt and survive, but the sat will become completely useless, and it will be the newer players making one post after another right here complaining about not being able to unlock the rip.

I commend whoever discovered this flaw, really i do, but lets be honest and call it what it is.

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

Well said Spaceman! No one has to depend on sats. They are an easy way out and should have a weakness. If you use a a thousand per million building points, it's easy to replace. If you use more then you are already saving on the fact you let your solar plants lag. It's called game balance.

You don't give out options with one clearly the best, so to make the other's obsolete. You balance the game so many options are viable. This counts for both ships types and energy production.
Outside the box? What box?