Any Ideas? Help Me Think of One :).

In the past, I wrote some short stores called "The Zorg Chronicles" that were posted here in the forums. They were chapters in the lives of those soldiers we never hear of in your fleets; their stories, the trials, their pain, their joy.

I've wanted to write one on my IGC (in-game character) giving some background. I'm an RPG fan...and I like to learn the stories of the characters in a game. In this game, we're the characters.

Although I'll most likely be writing a story, I also want to post it with a video (as I have plenty of footage of Lightning to use). The point of the story will show why my character has decided to liberate planets and be a space empress. I'm into moving pieces of it has to be deep. However, I need some good ideas to go off of. Did I lose someone? Was I captured? Betrayed? Deserted? Exiled? Looking for someone? What happened?

If you need some inspiration, I've already picked the song I'll be using in the vid (I often base stories off of a composition). It's entitled Dearly Beloved. Note that the actual doesn't begin until 27 seconds into the video...
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__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Any Ideas? Help Me Think of One :).

So you're liberating planets...From who? A tyrant, a ruthless dictator! But who would that be, it'll ave to be a Zorg player.... I know! Let's use MrSinister... He's the Antagonist you fight against, he kills people who are against him, maims them , destroys their planets....His subjects are afraid of him , but years of brutal oppression have numbed them into passive behavior. It is these people you try to free... But there's a twist in this story....When you were young, you and this very very veeeerrryyyy handsome MrSinister were involved while attending the Space Fleet Academy. You were both very young and foolish then and thought your love could overcome every obstacle..:)
But due to circumstances (like MrSinister turning into a very violent,ruthless conqueror ), you left him. Now you're on different sides of the fence, although you two still love each other.....
Just my humble opinion on how to make this a epic story :twisted: :twisted:
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Any Ideas? Help Me Think of One :).

During an Expedition to find the Fabled Planet Zorg... The Empress of Light and her Armada were pulled into a
Black Hole. Instead of being destroyed..she finds herself in a completely different Universe..
Seeking refuge to make repairs and gather food and resources... she finds Planet after Planet.. once filled with Life and signs of Great Metropolis's all dead now... shattered Moons in their Orbits...
Landing Parties return with evidence of a Horrible Weapon wielded by a Heartless yet unnamed...
whose apparent sole purpose for existence is to feed on other Species... but.... also... evidence suggest another species..also seeming to be from a Universe outside this one.. hunted by the Evil Ones.. who seem to have the Technology to not only travel from one universe to another... but also able to return to them as they see fit...
Hope.... the one thing our Empress was afraid was lost... now is reborn.
She must find these people... and pray they can help return her to her Home... no matter what. (just a thought) 8-)


Re: Any Ideas? Help Me Think of One :).

Well dang. Both of those last ones are simply amazing. I giggled at MrS's lol...but it's very touching and would make sense. Hatter's sounds like Mass Effect (which I'm addicted to) and pulled me in right away.

Hmm....I might just have to mix the two.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Any Ideas? Help Me Think of One :).

That would be an interesting story indeed. Is anyone really fantastic at putting videos together? They're not my forte because all I have is Windows Movie Maker...if anyone has skills in that area, I can give you clips and pictures. I just need someone who has better software and more talent. PM me or respond here.

Edit: Here's some cover art I put together. Since this will most likely inspire me to write other stories, I titled it Stories of the Guardian (as others will be "Stories of _________" through the perspective they're told).

_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________