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Total votes: 27

Re: Anonymous Player Interview on Possible Game Style Imbala

I will tell you what I really don't like:

I build this huge fleet & then comes this m@th@rf@ck@r who has a real giant fleet & crashes mine without loosing a single ship.....I really hate this not just because it is unrealistic but also because I will feel a little comfort when he losses 4 bc ships, it is nothing to him but he didn't get out of it without a scratch....

It is like a football match if you are beaten with 14/0 , you worthless peace of $h!t, were you even trying, you should go and play with the .........

But if you loss 100/7
Better luck next time, you did your best, we will get them next time.....

That's my 7 cents (inflation)
Hope it helps

Best regards to everyone

Re: Anonymous Player Interview on Possible Game Style Imbala

We should not forget Thinman that people are different and the ways they are enjoying this game are different too. My story is very similar to yours (I have learned playing this game the hard way too) :cry:

The servers here don’t reset every month. And why should I be in disadvantage just because I have started playing this game 2 years after someone else did. The difference between players is too big. And If I start plying and a week after that someone can attack me who is playing this game for a Year by now, and two weeks later someone comes who has 2 years of experience playing this game and destroys my fleet(without even regret loosing few of his ships - like Blame wrote) … Well than I will probably not play anymore.

Maybe we two will grow on that Thinman, but the other 30 that have started the game in the same time like we did,… They have already left the game.

Re: Anonymous Player Interview on Possible Game Style Imbala

I'd love to see an experiment set up on a new server that highly discourages fleeting. Could be no warships at all for all I care. I'd just like to see how popular it was, with no combat allowed. Purely a Bob the Builder. Then I'd like to see if people would pay 10 bucks a month to play. This is a business, Zorg has to make money.

A more realistic idea would be better defenses with rubies. Maybe a bigger boost to fire power. Maybe a flat out imunity from attack on a given planet. Any planet under such protection shouldn't be allowed to host war ships, build them, use phalanx, or any remotely military activity. :? You think people hate rubie moons, just wait until you see a few hundred million res stacked up and you can't attack it.

I think we get lost in lables. I doubt that the writers of this game concept thought, "we need turtles, miners and fleeters." More likely they said, "lets make a great space war strategy game." Later, player made up the lables.

As we stand in Zorg, you can not just build defenses and be safe. If you cannot effectively EF, you will take a lot of lumps trying to play. If you build lots of guns and few ships, you can get by most of the time. Right now, it is easy to catch someone's slip. There are lots of ways to tell if a player is on line and if his fleet is down you launch and destroy him.

I used to play another game where is was much harder. Fleet points were always counted whether the fleet was up or down and you didn't have little activity markers at all. The result was a lot of probing. Believe me, when you left an unattended fleet, you still got destroyed. Zorg has a great balance. Defenses make long raids against large targets unprofitable. You have to get close and that gives you a little time.

I think we run into an interesting dilemma with making the game safer. People complain that they are tired of getting beat by bigger players. Who do you want to get beat by? If you leave your ships on the ground someone will do it and if no one can, that means you can't and that makes fleets completely useless.

I think a break down on how rubies are spent, would help a lot on this. Guess it comes back to the fact Zorg has to make money and it at least seems that the combat is what inspires spending. I've certainly spent more for that reason than just increased res production.

How many people just spend rubies for res enhancement and nothing else? Let's say at least 200 in the last six months to qualify.
Outside the box? What box?

Re: Anonymous Player Interview on Possible Game Style Imbala

I also dont think its really fair for a really big player to be able to so effortlessly wipe out a little guy. But after playing and watching thinman I have come to the big thing that really hurts the new guys. fix this and all will be well with the world.
1. make the deut mines produce more, expecially on the planets in the colder spots. when you only get a 3 or 4 deut increase for those colder spots that dosent seem to go with the listing on where deut mines work best.
2. rf for the defense like was sujuested before. that will solve the ground defense problem. maybe bombers are the only ship that doesnt get rf against.
3. make moon popping a war time event.
4. make a guide on how to fs and what happens if you dont. have it linked to the starter guide that you get when you hit help as new players will do that first before forums.

thats my two cents.