this solution has flaws but i will give A+ for the thinking out process..absolute protection leads to the same problem.3 games i use to dabble in with this kind of protection no longer are online.the server is no more dead now than it was when i started back in august..and many of the same farms that should have been purged 7 months ago still remain.Not to mention there is always a fall off of activity when college ends and summer time rolls around.Raising the protection limit is not that big a deal but bottom line to this is up to you and you alone to protect what you built.plenty of untouchable moons out there to FS too and survive in speed,massacre,standard, and xtreme..if any server should get this test applied to it..standard wins imo.

Fleet being shown all the time has plus and is harder to track your online times..i.e. is he fsing or i go for that stash he left sitting or don't i..there will be those that say it takes ninja out of play but the fact is it is 100% the opposite.The other Plus is if the 5x absolute protect is applied it stops people like me who are 80% fleet score from raising my fleet at update to hit a smaller target then letting it sit at next effect allowing me to hide from any retaliation.Minus to an extent is we at the top get to see your ranking all the time and hunt more aggressively..but that also is mute if you VM one time we see and record it for future references anyhow.

Either way you slice it i am smart enough to work what ever system is in play to my advantage..i will find it..i will crash it.I have a bag of counters i can play to make it happen and teach or pass along to my mates ;)

that is my 2 cents


I agree with gump/Death. It won't make much difference, we'll just use a different bag of tricks. Changing noob protection to 100k won't help because even if that was fleet points only it would be too little to make it worthwhile to crash. It boils down to the actual skill of the players. You either know or don't know how to play. One of my team mates just started a few months ago and is a top player. Why? Because he's one of THE BEST players ever as is gump who started at 0 not so long ago. Experience and hard work count for everything, so the best thing for noobs to do is take the fleet losses and suck it up and learn. All the top players have lost fleets along the way but rebuilt and got on with it.


i was not talking about limited nob protection but absolute(as in all around nob protection- this is why fleet points should be added at all time )- and online times during fleet tracking can be done easy with the new scoreboard - so nothing hard there

what this will offer is simply a way to keep safe from a 5 mil + player if you are 200k - i think that is reasonable enough

put it like this- you are new to the game- and a high rank starts hunting you "just because he likes the thrill of the hunt" what will you do- if he is in the top alliance there is nobody there to ninja and he will keep on hunting you till he gets you-

experienced players will probably resist tot that- but new players who don't even know what to expect to...

as i said the server can't be worse than it is now- there are the top 50 players or something like that- and then the new players at the bottom- there is a hug gap in the ecosystem of the server- this extreme option will give them time to grow and make new players feel better about the fight

I highly recommend pissing yourself followed by a course of praying to your impotent god.


I will try to make another point i guess.Had this been in place when i started you would have hindered my growth considerable.I didn't attack and feed off people in my rank group back then..i attacked and feed off people SEVERAL ranks ahead of me.You make it sound like the top 50 are untouchable from the bottom 50.That is only true if you let a # next to someones name scare you.All you have to do is track them as well and hit what you can.Failing is part of learning and to fail young is far better than playing for months and then getting hit.
Also making such a drastic change to an established server is not fair to the top players who grew via the current system since the server began.A change i doubt Zorg will even consider and in fact i believe he has made this noted in one of his previous posts.If and when the next server opens i would encourage those that support this to make it known when they are asked for opinions on how they want the server to operate.

There is also plenty of things players themselves can do to quickly educate themselves on game play here in forums..Top players for ages have tried to pass along tips,but bottom line is it comes down to the individual to make a point to visit forums and research,ask questions in forums and revisit their posts to see the responses from multiple points of view.

A server tends to 'seem' dead when to large of an alliance is formed as well.People think we are snobs or bullys in chosen but the fact is we know what limitations to set on alliance size.Inviting every tom dick and harry for the sake of having the largest numbers restricts your targets and paints an even bigger bulls eye on you to be hunted.Every Top alliance in any server has come about because they was smart to keep numbers low thus allowing their target base to be bigger.There is naps if you and someone like want to be neutral to one another.I have a handful of Naps written and some passive...i.e. i wont attack direct but if acs chance comes about i will do it.I have watched most of the members in 666 go and come from 4 different alliances since i have been here in august..everyone breaks up and than within a week the same issue of to large an alliance rises.Next thing you know there is no more targets cause they all are under your tag...thus creating the illusion the server is dead.I once many moons ago when there was only extreme server made a post poking fun at such a thing ... ild#p15005..sadly the response from khan is missing now but the point still remains.


Death... interesting name .But still i wonder why none of you guys want to accept who i am, or better yet who i am not- i made it clear at some point and still you drag me into some pointless argument or traps.
Now if you are bullies than the server has more like you not only in the chosen- This entire idea was just a little experiment i wanted to have to see if it would help the server- all i state is this-


I highly recommend pissing yourself followed by a course of praying to your impotent god.


not sure what to make of that other than

1) What you are is another target on a list
2) that is really the name of the game..not much profit in 2 evenly matched fleets crashing into each other now is there?you obviously missed my point..WEAKER PLAYERS CAN RAID STRONGER PLAYERS..all they need to do is grow a set :wall:


I can see the validity in some points from both sides here, but I think I will have to go with leaving the game as it is now.

Making someone's fleet points visible all the time would make them a bigger target I think. True, there is the scoreboard, but being a Top 10 Raider or Attacker does not necessarily mean that you have a big fleet. Also, with the limited number of active players you are bound to get probed anyway, so simply a matter of keeping what you have safe from prying eyes and hostile ships.

Absolute protection would limit targets considerably for a lot of players As it stands now Perses would be restricted to about 9 or 10 targets, half of which are in his own alliance. I myself would be limited to about 45 targets the majority of which are either in my alliance, inactive, or vmode while the #1 is not even in my reach at x5.

Like Gump said, there is a wealth of information on good tactics and strategy on the forums and from a few PMs to more experienced players who have no qualms about helping out those who are interested and make an effort to learn. Coming in here and not expecting to be hit, based on some sense of false security or some perpetuation of honor and kindness in a game such as this, is foolish. And if one fleet loss means the end of this game, then it isn't for you.


There is change that's needed. I just saw few of ZORTON hits... Simply PATHETIC!

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 87 units of Metal, 255 units of Crystal and 72 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 4.707.500 units.
A debris field containing 0 units of Metal and 0 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 180 units of Metal, 527 units of Crystal and 148 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 3.282.500 units.
A debris field containing 0 units of Metal and 0 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

Is that what you mean "Takes skill"? How do you expect them to gain any experience? Is this a way to resurrect Speed? Those 2 hits looks like made from 13 years old boy that hits them only "because I can"...

Just to add some more "statistics"... As visible from the stats page:

ZORTON has 9,8 mil points
the defender in those battles has 64k points... What a fair battle!

Also both hits are 1 minute apart... You could have recalled in this 1 minute, but obviously you didn't. You want more players in Speed? If you want - stop harassing them with daily launches...

Sooner or later I will take you down, ZORTON - remember it!
All you need is a SickMind and a healty body.