Re: Pein(PL) vs Gozar(AzgD) TD: 82.950

No offence Therapist but "actively hunting your now cowardly bunch you call an alliance" seems a bit ott......I always see your fleet parked in the same spot everytime.....and your raids/attacks seem to confirm this...........and as for "This is a game of skill and strategy and you are slowly ruining it with these idiotic posts about how you hit our number one player" I assume you mean Gozar.........last I heard he was AZGD not SGA lol.........anyway, have fun SGA and PL, let the fleet do the talking as that is all that counts :D

Re: Pein(PL) vs Gozar(AzgD) TD: 82.950

I have left my fleet in the same place in the hopes that at least ONE of them might actually attempt at attacking me but sadly that hasn't happened, and it is kinda sad really, I am confident enough to where I don't have to move around because most of their fleet that could have taken me out is either owned by Pein or by those in Vaction mode. Doesn't seem like a war at all, it is like a bad grudge at best.

Re: Pein(PL) vs Gozar(AzgD) TD: 82.950

first and all thereapista hited you a think 4 or 7 day of war a took yours probes in that colony you put in my system even you ware online.
later space devil come with his fleet to destroy my raiding fleet but he widraw.

but a will discuss that in war section.

now about this hit:
first you mate gozar:
nice gozar you showed yours size of insulting little player

second on is volpino
mate when you come out protection leave fleet on ground and let gozar probe you
next day you will lose moons and yours fleet.

third is skirmish post:
mate a posted this as test to see reaction of big players and other around
well a dint proud at all
he say a should send big fleet why a should risk my fleet without knowing his online times and offline times.
this little hit was test to see how much damage a can do to number one guy with one deathstar
but a send before deathstar 6 attacks on all his moons with 1BS
when he defended second attack a know he is on so a pull of rips
a know it before he is on because hge moved fleet and everything as a posted before but a hoped he was offline maybe

a hited also kuddlez before a go vmode with 5 rips too to test but it dint worked as a was thinking.

now about yours post Istalris :
with these last words of your post"don't open pointless threads."
you tell me as any player ho just posted and he post e destroyed let say 100 solar sats or 10 bs he must not post because is wortless for you mates
a dont care about union of honor

a must say watching all fire coming from big players towards me its like am big plague in zorg.

once again a will say am proud to be noob
thats all a have to say in this post.

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Re: Pein(PL) vs Gozar(AzgD) TD: 82.950

man ze has always been a topsy turby... gozar is camping with azgards???

i have been off the news for way too long ...

man i think gozar got like millions if not billions times the TD before i getto finally post my reply here so not sure if glotr is appropriate... ahh and read the thread a bit more ... somethings doesnt really change.. gozar still wants the world to follow his utopia..

anyways pein is living upto his name lmao
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Pein(PL) vs Gozar(AzgD) TD: 82.950

God_of_Death wrote:Perses did that??? wow he must of learned or heard that from somebody because it is a not a wide known strategy.
This strategy was figured out by me less then 24 hours after RF went live in extreme.Though you prolly don't remember Eric (Myrsee),when he was developing 100k of each ship type we had a discussion at work about it.I told him to start sims of 10 rip attacks against it..he said if i ever told anyone about it i might have an industrial accident.But yes Perses did pick it up from me when we was BS'n about us being mates.I told em he was lucky i wasn't against him and said why..i.e. the suicide raids.But it only works if the they are offline,all that has be done is lift everything but the rips and the suicide strategy fails.

Re: Pein(PL) vs Gozar(AzgD) TD: 82.950

-Death- wrote:
God_of_Death wrote:Perses did that??? wow he must of learned or heard that from somebody because it is a not a wide known strategy.
But yes Perses did pick it up from me when we was BS'n about us being mates.I told em he was lucky i wasn't against him and said why..i.e. the suicide raids.
I remember that conversation...and how you also proved it to me... :o
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War