Re: Pein(PL) vs Gozar(AzgD) TD: 82.950

God_of_Death wrote:Perses did that??? wow he must of learned or heard that from somebody because it is a not a wide known strategy.

He told me it was done to him in Speed... the difference is he lost a lot more than I did.. so he said. But as I have said, learn and adapt.. What does not kill you can only make you wiser and stronger.

To be fair Flapper it was posted by ZE about a month ago.along with the full CR.. and here is another point Pein.. if you were not such a n00b you would have seen my rip count then was over the 10K mark.. and what did you say to me not more than a day ago...? you guessed my rip count at WRONG. keep guessing.

Re: Pein(PL) vs Gozar(AzgD) TD: 82.950

God_of_Death wrote:
Perses did that??? wow he must of learned or heard that from somebody because it is a not a wide known strategy.
known for a while now thinking was common knowledge :L
I think the thing pein is missing tho, do you really think you'll get a good player with that tactic?
it'll work if you get lucky, or the other has RL issues or is a noob,
but really this tactic on an experienced player is an epic fail.

Re: Pein(PL) vs Gozar(AzgD) TD: 82.950

Pein said:

well a send 1 BS on his probes close by to check if he is on
well attack pass
buddy if you want to see if he is online, why don't you leave your fleet down for some time ?

At Gozar:

Well , i do not understand why a player with your stats have to answer or post in such a " Combat Report",

All that story reminds me:
well i thought that was a Space war game, is it ?

maybe I am still new in the game, so sorry if I said something against the community practice !!

Re: Pein(PL) vs Gozar(AzgD) TD: 82.950

To qualify as a "Union of Honor" hit, you need to at least reach the moon-chance cap. Refrain from posting reports this small in the future, and if you must do it, go to universe discussion instead, or your war topic if such exists.

I wont lock it but seriously, I've caused more TD after probing someone, don't open pointless threads.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Pein(PL) vs Gozar(AzgD) TD: 82.950

Another point that I would like to point out, Pein, you are at war with SGA and yet you play as if you have no worries in this game, you watch as your fellow alliance members are completely destroyed and you don't even try to hit us back to avenge them, I haven't been probed by you in well over 2 weeks now while I have been actively hunting your now cowardly bunch you call an alliance, You were all talk until defense bashing was taken out of the TD reports, this goes to show that Gozar is very much so correct. You know little to nothing of this game, you may have a fleet but you don't know how to use it, you rely on others to perform the attacks and when you do make hits it is only on those who would have little to no chance of defending themselves, you are a general disgrace to all who play this great game. This is a game of skill and strategy and you are slowly ruining it with these idiotic posts about how you hit our number one player, to tell you the truth, I would have done exactly as Gozar had, it would have taken more fuel to recycle that single Battleship then it was worth. Grow up and learn how to play and find a group of alliance members that can actually fight.
Therapist out