Big-Fat-Cow [Chosen] vs. Choke TD: 10.610.944.400

I haven't played much this week, but my alliance mates were busy knocking out fleets. (I know, they are really mean people) Today i logged in and saw that my Attack points this week was 38 million, while my mates have billions.

Choke --- my good friend :) --- showed his fleet on ranking, and I started to look at his planets. I've been watching him for a good while now, though I don't think I ever launched before. His activities seemed abnormal to me today, so when I found his fleet sitting, I thought I should try to take a bite at it.

I only found part of his fleet, his RIPs were mostly missing. So i consulted my secret War Advisor, asking him for an opinion. He agreed that I should try it.

I launched my recyclers first, wanting to have my fleet launch after but arrive seconds before the recyclers. Because it was going to be a big DF and I didn't have enough recyclers.

and just before i was about to launch my fleet, choke sent me a message saying hello. It wasn't totally unexpected, because i thought he should be on around that time to check things out. However I wasn't sure if he would stay on. In hesitation i made a mistake and launched my fleet by accident, but the timing was messed up i had to recall both.

So, with 24.7m deuterium left on my moon, i was debating what to do. I thought "what the heck, let's try again". it costs 24.9m deuterium to launch, so i had to convert some crystals. And all about 8 minutes after he said hello to me, the fleets were sent at him again. at 18 seconds before impact i sent a probe just to check it out. He didn't move.

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 129.207.770 units of Metal, 74.092.015 units of Crystal and 95.806.539 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 1.194.340.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 9.416.604.400 units.
A debris field containing 3.292.787.340 units of Metal and 3.073.779.300 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

It was a predictable battle outcome because there aren't that many RIPs in his fleet. Still, I took a lot of damage. it took 2 trips to collect DF. I didn't send all my cargo ships for follow ups 'cause I was afraid his RIPs might jump out lol, but he never moved during the whole event...anyways big GLOTR for choke

This is the biggest successful attack so far in SPEED, congrats to myself :D

Re: Big-Fat-Cow [Chosen] vs. Choke TD: 10.610.944.400

GLOTR Choke :D

Was preoccupied with other things. Really wasn't expecting a launch as BFC usually probes around and nothing happens. Was really caught off guard with the roamer though...nice move on his part.

Anyways, credit where it is due and big kudos to Cow for the attack. And he lied about not sending follow ups :P

Somebody add this to the Non-ACS Top Ten - it's #2 (technically I would count it as #1 since the top spot was a sacrifice and not really any skill or such involved, but who am I to say so)

Re: Big-Fat-Cow [Chosen] vs. Choke TD: 10.610.944.400

Wow Cow.... nice hit!! (What do you mean that your team mates are really mean people?
Reminds me of a hit early on in Massacre(nowhere near as big as this one). I launched on a guy, forget who, and he messaged me that he was on. I sent a probe and he had spent the res. For the hell of it I let the hit go through. Think he thought I'd recall after the probe so he cancelled either a building or research. Bet he was surprised when he saw the CR and I'd taken half of his res. You just never know in this game.

GLOTR Choke.