Going out with a bang Arthas Vs Perses TD: 15,351,585,600

Well it's simple. I'm done, I should have been back in February. I had a heart attack and discovered I have an incurable heart problem. As it is not critical of the moment, it does get the best of me at the times. For this reason I have decided to quit before I am forced to quit or lose my fleet. It was fun while it lasted, and I am going to miss this game as well as all the people I met during this long adventure. Anyway sent whole fleet at Perses and hoped for the best, I knew I wasn't going to win, but wanted to grind it down so I could have the resources instead of another fleet in the sea of blue vacation.

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 14.377.337.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 974.248.600 units.
A debris field containing 4.899.305.760 units of Metal and 4.299.405.600 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

Just want to say the game was fun, and good luck to you guys in ninth circle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIRNdveL ... ure=relmfu. I hope I have given you a chance choke your going to need it ;). Anyway it's been fun, goodbye everyone.
(Also this does mean I am no longer going to be a mod >.>, I'm done for good with all of it, chat forums and game.)

Re: Going out with a bang [15B TD] Arthas Vs Perses

Really am at a loss here, speechless almost- a lot of res there and none of it kept in house...instead lining someone else's pockets...

But, regardless of my feeling on the matter, you've been a good mate since we first teamed up in Strong, and then through a couple other alliances here and there. Always true to your colors as far as I could tell. One hell of an exit, even if I don't entirely agree with the method.

Good luck in the real world and hope all goes well for you bro. If you ever make it back, a spot will be open for you.

Re: Going out with a bang [15B TD] Arthas Vs Perses

Oh boy....do i sense that we have another crushedice in-game?? Gimme a break, cry me a river :boohoo:

Well, anyone that knows me, knows I tell it like it is. I labelled you a noob pretty much from day 1, and you didn't disappoint. I never liked you, or respected your ability playing the game. Most importantly, you are/were as trustworthy as a 2 dollar bill....probably the reason I call BS to you leaving the game. Im sure a new account will be made with oh IDK, maybe the name turdburgler....who knows, i dont. But i do know your word around here isnt worth much.....sooo i guess what im saying is bon voyage....good riddance.

Ps....i agree with what choke said 1,000,000 times over!