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Nuada [UF] vs Graf TD 3.000.000

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:56 pm
by Nuada
Now, Graf is inactive. Many weeks inactive. I'm posting this because it amused me to see it! What happened here was that a rather clever trap was set for me by someone who farms a particular planet of Graf's that the 'farmer' clearly wants me to leave alone (fat chance!). Graf's planet, I must note, has a depot!

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 3.000.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 0 units.
A debris field containing 900.000 units of Metal and 900.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

Graf has no BCs! Yet, someone did - and apparently lanxed Graf after seeing a time signature by the planet.

For me, launching small resource raids from my homeworld has generally been a simple matter of convenience. My fleets are better sheltered there, while my moons are frequently probed. So, while appreciative of how launching from a moon would hide me from the lanx, I like having my fleet sheltered when I'm active and so usually save moon launches for my bigger hits and fleetsaving --

Not for normal every day resource raids. I'm reassessing that - but regardless of this assessment I now certainly know one thing true: When raiding a planet that has a depot placed on it, I will launch from a moon and recon as I would when raiding an active player who can defend himself!

To whomever did this: Nicely done! I found that ACS Defend of yours quite clever.