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GoD vs onecorvettenut- TD - too bored to do the math (~510)

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:49 pm
by God_of_Death
now i was reading a good book and doing some scans and i see a nice fleet with loads of res... look in my notes to see if he was mapped - and guess what- he was and i also had a scan of his fleet - no activity- the fleet was also showing up in rankings only from the last update, so it was rather hard to be a ninja(by the way when is the update???) about 100k plus and now i send and some after attacks for the res he had... the attack hits- the after attacks were set to hit about 30 secs after and i scan again - and now i see def... funny because i missed that so i have to recall the 50 ecs that i had already sent and wait for them to return and send again

final result
Attacker Loss: 3.500.000 Defender Loss:538.350.200
winnings Metal:8.413.333 Crystal:3.411.509 Deuterium:13.415.158
Debris Metal:165.576.720 Crystal:154.870.200

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:2.425.500
winnings Metal:100.250.000 Crystal:426.439 Deuterium:35.595.172
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.722.500
winnings Metal:66.916.667 Crystal:213.219 Deuterium:17.797.586
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

he still has some res so i expect that he might build 3-4k lunar guardians or something

hehe my first post in combat reports- oh yea i got the entire field of deb

Re: GoD vs onecorvettenut- TD - too bored to do the math (~5

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:48 pm
by big-fat-cow
corvette nut too careless...

I am waiting for my 10%, Mr. G. :D

Re: GoD vs onecorvettenut- TD - too bored to do the math (~5

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:30 pm
by God_of_Death
its all un and games till some1 loses a nut...

Re: GoD vs onecorvettenut- TD - too bored to do the math (~5

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:34 pm
by GrimReaper1145
NIce hit. GLOTR onecorvettenut.