Gozar [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] TD:32.648.800

After ninja on DrLot he send massive attack...two attack,together 190kLG with fodder... I run of course but fodder was mine.
It's profit so I decide to post it.

The attacker has won the battle !
Winnings: Metal 1.327 Crystal 777 Deuterium 476
Attacker Loss: The attacker has lost a total of 19.346.850 units.
Defender Loss: The defender has lost a total of 13.301.950 units.
Debris Field: Metal 1.420.230 Crystal 10.788.150

All DF collected.

Glotr Gozar...
Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments...

Re: Gozar [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] TD:32.648.800

what to say hmm.....
big glotr gozar for leting anger gets you
also to demand somone return resurses ho won squire and fair in defense of his planets
oh a forgot mention he say he wil declare war on us because of that .
also again glotr gozar you show bad sportmanship to me and my team members
also to all players in zorg ho stand against yours teammates.
again big glotr gozar

Code: Select all


Re: Gozar [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] TD:32.648.800

Wow.......again wow....tensions running high, maybe some people need to cool off a bit? Get a good night sleep, cuddle a bit with the wifey ? And try to be rational about the fact that this is still just a game? :Doh:
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Gozar [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] TD:32.648.800

First of Pein I did not demand anything ..you are sadly mistaken or a lair..

I simply spied his fleet calculated what he could carry, seeing as he could only carry 1/3rd of the 1 billion on his planet.I decided to do a combined attack on both his planet and moon at the same time. even knowing he was online.. All he got was the df from the 20k probes I sent as fodder.. Hell I loose more than that on moon shots.

what I did not take into consideration was his use of rubies.. but none the less.. It was a legitimate hit no threat or demands where made.. My exact message to Lordaragon..was as follows ."your choice your fleet or resources.. I don't care which.."
meaning he could try and defend the resources and loose his fleet or run and leave the resources..good for him to find an alternative.. but as I said at no time did I demand anything...once again Pein you are sadly mistaken.

I hereby give permission to Lordaragon to post any such demands for resources I am supposed to have made..because ZE can verify any PM he cares to post. I have all messages sent from the two of us. You are a disgrace as a Leader.. by making false accusations, and you have the nerve to say I have no sportsmanship.. In my opinion you are an a*s

In return for you your false claims I offered you a war and you reply was no point saying "you would surrender straight away".. I would say what I think of you but that would be pointless. as I am sure the mods would blank it out..

Yes DrLot was caught out, fair play to Lordaragon.. but like wise I have a right to retaliate for a ally.. that is what an alliance is about you have not even mentioned the 70KK deut cost for the attempt.. loss or expense has nothing to do with revenge/retaliation for a team member..

So as a matter of sportsmanship the only demand I do make is an apology..and if none forth coming I will declare WAR and you can show ZE what a coward you are.. and surrender as you said you would.. Or not that would be fun.

and no glotr needed.. the pleasure was all mine. seeing how Lordaragon has gone blue...lol

Re: Gozar [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] TD:32.648.800

Gozar wrote:First of Pein I did not demand anything ..you are sadly mistaken or a lair..

I simply spied his fleet calculated what he could carry, seeing as he could only carry 1/3rd of the 1 billion on his planet.I decided to do a combined attack on both his planet and moon at the same time. even knowing he was online.. All he got was the df from the 20k probes I sent as fodder.. Hell I loose more than that on moon shots.

what I did not take into consideration was his use of rubies.. but none the less.. It was a legitimate hit no threat or demands where made.. My exact message to Lordaragon..was as follows ."your choice your fleet or resources.. I don't care which.."
meaning he could try and defend the resources and loose his fleet or run and leave the resources..good for him to find an alternative.. but as I said at no time did I demand anything...once again Pein you are sadly mistaken.

I hereby give permission to Lordaragon to post any such demands for resources I am supposed to have made..because ZE can verify any PM he cares to post. I have all messages sent from the two of us. You are a disgrace as a Leader.. by making false accusations, and you have the nerve to say I have no sportsmanship.. In my opinion you are an a*s

In return for you your false claims I offered you a war and you reply was no point saying "you would surrender straight away".. I would say what I think of you but that would be pointless. as I am sure the mods would blank it out..

Yes DrLot was caught out, fair play to Lordaragon.. but like wise I have a right to retaliate for a ally.. that is what an alliance is about you have not even mentioned the 70KK deut cost for the attempt.. loss or expense has nothing to do with revenge/retaliation for a team member..

So as a matter of sportsmanship the only demand I do make is an apology..and if none forth coming I will declare WAR and you can show ZE what a coward you are.. and surrender as you said you would.. Or not that would be fun.

and no glotr needed.. the pleasure was all mine. seeing how Lordaragon has gone blue...lol
in all retrospect it all sounds alot wallaby like a bully work to me. why do big players gets blisters from small players talking like toddlers... you constantly demand maturity but i have failed my reasoning and wasted 5 mins of my intellectualism to find the puniest sense of maturity from THE BIG Guy here. you one hand want sportsmanship and maturity and on the other hand fail to show that yourself... now now gozar isnt this the utter example of hyporcracy?

lol what the hit itself looks like a costly venture to go against an online player and doing too much assumption over a players capability and then getting drenched in overly self confidence. in all that i only saw or i should say perceived is gozar is angry about none other than himself for his foolishness :D

good battle minus the unnecessary drama you brought in causing me to exercise my silly way of avoiding to let ppl forget i am in all attempt a self proclaimed forum troll in disguise....... NOT!!!! lol

enjoy the profit its a 10 mil crystal free pizza delivery .... just keep ur wrap sheet clean and fly carefully the big bully's are angry just remember that ;)
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Gozar [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] TD:32.648.800

LMAO..if it is not the long lost Troll who could not play the game.. Who has a fleet that he can't keep unless he stays in VM..

Let me see, it must be 4 months or more since you were out of VM.. You can kis my dariaire. Told you so many times no one cares what you think.. you sit there in VM making all sorts of statements about a game you do not play.. You talk the talk but can not walk the walk..

Oh and Pein I hereby present you with the Richard Cranium award..along with Spy..lol

Re: Gozar [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] TD:32.648.800

Weresloth wrote:Gonna lock this before it devolves more. Everyone can go flame the war thread now.

Edit: Unlock on OP's request.
Good decision, and th for letting me to say what needed to be sad.

First my VM reason as I told u is because I could never imagine that this will come to me (hit on DrLot).

I was shaken when I see attack and since it was my first hit I decide to calm down and come together before the storm... I will come back in 3 days...

Second, quoting one line is not whole story but frankly i dont care...And last thing about war, we will fight how we can not how u demand. Surrender is not cowardly when u know u can't win.

Take all ur worries for ur team members on me not on my members (in 3days).

Profit is all that matters, I think that would be good end to this.
Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments...

Re: Gozar [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] TD:32.648.800

going to take advantage of the unlock,
tbh i think this is fair, if a team player gets hit you dont want the ninja to profit, so seeing lordaragont couldnt lift all res you attack to stop them being able to profit so much,
Just looks like gozar didnt expect the ruby use so congrats to aragon for getting round it.

as for the flaming its pointless, and also spy, the worse thing about you being a troll, you cant even do it well,
your comment in Thor Vs Yuna

''thought gozar made a similar incidence back in march or something around that last year... threatening a newbie for collecting the df... but he had a point. the guy was on lanx lol

anyway i see no harm done in it. u were going for a free bee and he just wiped a chunk out of u to get what was his.

bullying is a way of life''

so even if this was just a bully thing (which it doesnt look like it was) then you already said its a way of life so do one spy, really no one cares what you have to say when you cant decide which argument to support.
(also on your war thread, you wanted to merc... really?! ''wait for me wait for me'' world doesnt halt for someone that cant play...) :boohoo: