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DrLot [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] ninja

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:35 am
by lordaragon
There is small story to this hit and big after hit.
First I will say that this was lucky shot for me. I finally finish with mines update for today so use rest of res for ships. While they building, main fleet was in the air... Few refresh and then saw mass probe and next attack from DrLot...Since my ships build every 8sec i thought that he wont attack( he told me this is his bad weekend- must be because I couldnt believe).
Fast jump and rest is here... Since I'm not attacker rec was problem for me...Dont know how many time I send.

The attacker has lost a total of 1.750.300.000 units.
Defender Loss: The defender has lost a total of 338.883.550 units.
Debris Field: Metal 550.746.030 Crystal 701.192.400
Info: The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

All DF collected.. Barely.
Glotr DrLot...

As I sad there is story after hit. Will not talk in detail but Gozar u disappointed me(all those talk about how it's just profit). DrLot took like every player should and then u come like bully.
Will SEE u soon. On field of battle :) :(.

Re: DrLot [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] ninja

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:40 am
by Pein
well what to say well done mate
for drlot nice sportmanship for you after you lose that amount ships
well done lord again

Re: DrLot [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] ninja

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:43 am
by DrLot
It was a solid ninja on LA's part. I probed several times to make sure there was no suspicious activity. Even probed at 30 seconds before the hit. I didn't see anything that would warrant a pull so I let the ships continue.

Saw red on the combat report and knew that his timing on ship return was better than mine.

now as for the followup attacks by Gozar. It actually was a profit run on his part. The idea was to launch a massive strike with the idea that the debris field would be a problem to move all at once. Obviously merchant rubies had to be spent to convert the metal and crystal from the DF and a quick build of light fighters was required to get rid of the remaining part.

The reaction was such that it made LA spend the DF faster than he probably wanted to and also probably not the way he might have wished.

25k BC is a tough loss but it doesn't put me out of the game by a long way. I still have plenty to compete for that raid trophy each week.

Re: DrLot [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] ninja

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:48 am
by lordaragon
Thats what i though DrLot, u will be back. More stronger.

It's not important his hits but his attitude. Like he lost ships and low sportmanship from his side.

And i told him that i move res, part for nanite and part for research.

I have all messages to prove my point if needed.

Re: DrLot [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] ninja

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:54 am
by cardsharksam
thats a nice well timed hit m8 and fair play to dr lot for his sportsmanship on taking the hit well and not going to gozar asking for revenge some you win some you lose its all in the game :D :D

Re: DrLot [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] ninja

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:09 am
by Richard98
yep. i agree, even though im not even in this.
that is quite a bit of sportsmanship, even he didnt get the DF! :o
well, nice playing both of you :)

Re: DrLot [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] ninja

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:18 am
by hannah12
i bow to u bro..
this is beautiful... :o
GLOTR.....Drlot..wont take u long i know..
and i have to say...excellence sportsmanship from u...

Re: DrLot [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] ninja

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:41 pm
by contruga2
nice ninja aragon! not always easy to pull off especialy when your fleet was already up when you were being spied,
GLoTR Drlot

Re: DrLot [D.I.E] vs lordaragon [P.L] ninja

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:15 pm
by GrimReaper1145
Nice, Glotr Drlot