Contruga Suicide TD:1.333.720.000

Been unsure to continue because of busy RL, and Extreme being my main acount requires the most amount of time and so a long Vmode for me and a loss of fleet. Did leave myself a small bit for when/if i return however flapper got to it while i was delayed in college. Spoken to lots of great people, enjoyed my learning the game and the wars in AZG as well as my short while in ~A~ and the close working group they have their.
Will still be around massacre when time permits to have a small share of the raiding :)

Attacker Loss: 408.000.000 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:122.400.000 Crystal:122.400.000

Attacker Loss: 285.000.000 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:85.500.000 Crystal:85.500.000

Attacker Loss: 297.200.000 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:90.720.000 Crystal:87.600.000

Attacker Loss: 176.820.000 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:88.410.000 Crystal:17.682.000

Attacker Loss: 90.000.000 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:36.000.000 Crystal:18.000.000

Attacker Loss: 76.700.000 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:30.120.000 Crystal:15.900.000