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Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:03 pm
by MegaMedes
Starting this for Gumppy, he will fill in the details:

The attacker has won the battle !
Winnings: Metal 0 Crystal 6.500 Deuterium 5.173.299
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 770.552.300 units.
Debris Field: Metal 307.949.280 Crystal 154.362.600

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:11 pm
by -Death-
well defiant can verify this..dubberman is not first or last target i have hit while they was online.

spotted fleet there 2 days in a row n hoped i didnt scare em off.set roamer today called for MS n blind launched at his moon.1 minute to go probbed fleet was there so carried on.

All df collected

if it was a glitch on your end hope they help ya dubber.glotr regardless n class A sportsmanship mate.

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:21 pm
by MegaMedes
Nice hit Gumps...enjoy the spoils.

GLotR dubbs

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:54 am
by Scag
Is SPQR the new Hellenia? haha
Gotta love the no loss hit.

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:11 am
by big-fat-cow
Scag wrote:Is SPQR the new Hellenia?
last night, someone raided Target too, 160 million DF and nobody posted that. so yeah maybe SPQR is turning into new hellenia haha

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:23 pm
by DuctTape
sorry to see an alliance mate hit GLOTR Dubb.

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:27 pm
by dubberman
For Gumppy your tactic was good one , nice hit. I think you know what happened to me. I'm still waiting for admins' reply to know what actions to make. Cheers.

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:18 pm
by Zorg
Nothing happened.
It is getting old to blame the game whenever you lose a fleet.

We got 3 cases in 3 years. All 3 cases lately, all from the same alliance. Now it is that you did not see it on overview. Before that it was that this player (Gummpy) has 3000 rips and before this it was that your account auto-existed VMODE.

What is next ? Flying donkeys attacking your base ?

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:58 pm
by Scag
Zorg wrote:Nothing happened.
It is getting old to blame the game whenever you lose a fleet.

We got 3 cases in 3 years. All 3 cases lately, all from the same alliance. Now it is that you did not see it on overview. Before that it was that this player (Gummpy) has 3000 rips and before this it was that your account auto-existed VMODE.

What is next ? Flying donkeys attacking your base ?
Mod baiting: This is not a debate. You are off topic. The topic is about Gummpy vs Dubberman and not whether or not I am doing my job well. You can always send a pm to me for this issue. ~Zorg

Re: Gumppy[Chosen] vs. Dubberman[SPQR] TD:770.552.300

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:53 pm
by MrSinister
Mod baiting: This is not a debate. You are off topic. The topic is about Gummpy vs Dubberman and not whether or not I am doing my job well. You can always send a pm to me for this issue. ~Zorg