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MrSinister HC vs Brootal_McLovin VS

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:18 am
by MrSinister
So my mate tells me that he colonized next to these guys (3 players). Brootal attacked him, despite him PMing that he was online. Brootals response to the PM was that he was bored and would finish the attack. Also that that part of the galaxy was VS territory and that my friend was going to become their farm :evil:
So i colonized a slot that same day, moved a few ships today and showed Brootal that VS still has to learn a thing or two before threatening HC members

Attacker Loss: 780.000 Defender Loss:25.337.000
winnings Metal:145.379 Crystal:280.817 Deuterium:10.609
Debris Metal:3.714.900 Crystal:1.289.400

D/F's being collected atm
No GLoTR Brootal, i don't like bullies

Thank you for your attention,
Mr Sinister :twisted:

Re: MrSinister HC vs Brootal_McLovin VS

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:32 am
by _Wrath_
Holy crap man, congrats on the hit.

Re: MrSinister HC vs Brootal_McLovin VS

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:33 am
by Desert_Reaper
:applause: good man sin, that's the way to show teamwork