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Perses[~PI~] vs rescue4u[SGA] TD 682.194.000

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:42 pm
by MegaMedes
I was scanning around one of the galaxies and found some res lying around. Made three separate raids with the TD being posted from the last hit.

First one went smoothly: :D

Attacker Loss: 75.000 Defender Loss:225.306.700
winnings Metal:13.580.771 Crystal:4.704.916 Deuterium:9.103.430
Debris Metal:22.404.120 Crystal:12.943.200

Second one went smoothly: :D

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:190.535.000
winnings Metal:991.998 Crystal:394.829 Deuterium:5.420.387
Debris Metal:3.654.600 Crystal:4.146.000

The last one: :o

Attacker Loss: 202.370.000 Defender Loss:479.824.000
winnings Metal:888.457 Crystal:456.682 Deuterium:8.134.689
Debris Metal:56.568.000 Crystal:74.184.000

I seen the results and was like...WTH...did they ninja me...check the full report...come to find out, I sent the wrong ships. :Doh: :oops:

Oh well, live and least I got all of the DF's :crazy:

Re: Perses[~PI~] vs rescue4u[SGA] TD 682.194.000

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:15 pm
by MrSinister
Tsk Tsk Mega, you should post this in mega fails lol
I would categorize this as a self-ninja, prob the first of its sort :Doh: :mrgreen: