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-Death-[Chosen] vs DeCruz[NEMESIS] TD 234.653.800

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:18 am
by MegaMedes
The attacker has won the battle !
Winnings: Metal 15.850.000 Crystal 15.850.000 Deuterium 10.047.934
Attacker Loss: The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
Defender Loss: The defender has lost a total of 234.653.800 units.
Debris Field: Metal 69.138.480 Crystal 59.838.600
Info: The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

Re: -Death-[Chosen] vs DeCruz[NEMESIS] TD 234.653.800

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:33 am
by -Death-
Thanks..had mega post results since i can only paste full results which violate forum rules.

launched last weekend but he day made em nervous i guess so he slowed launched planet to planet 4 galaxies..had to wait a few days but got it finished.

swift rebuild n get some moons ;)

Re: -Death-[Chosen] vs DeCruz[NEMESIS] TD 234.653.800

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:16 am
by MegaMedes
Nice hit Gumpps...enjoy the profit.

GLotR DeCruz

Re: -Death-[Chosen] vs DeCruz[NEMESIS] TD 234.653.800

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:24 pm
by harryballsac
very nice gumpy....i have crashed him once and choke twice, same deal planet to planet on lanx. we both have even tried to explain to him the importance of using his moons, but he doesnt get it or is stubborn, i dont know which.

glotr decruz