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Choke (A$$) v LordOfChaos (NATW)

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:28 am
by Choke
This hit was a bit more personal than most that I make, but sometimes being cocky just doesn't end well for the little guy ;)

So made a hit for the profit and to knock those defenses down a bit on one colony - all those plasma cannons were a real bother

Attacker Loss: 900.000 Defender Loss:80.992.000
winnings Metal:1.743.171 Crystal:974.937 Deuterium:296.962
Debris Metal:1.235.400 Crystal:1.824.000

But folks, personal vendettas can't be handled in one little attack like that one above there, right?
After a few moons (mysteriously :twisted: ) disappeared, I caught not one fleet but two on lanx.

Some odd number of missiles later (yeah, those pesky plasmas again) and after a valuable investment of my precious time:

Attacker Loss: 24.695.000 Defender Loss:212.966.600
winnings Metal:1.087.640 Crystal:763.591 Deuterium:255.682
Debris Metal:36.589.260 Crystal:26.564.700

Attacker Loss: 300.000 Defender Loss:230.954.000
winnings Metal:14.532.879 Crystal:5.064.753 Deuterium:6.060.894
Debris Metal:58.137.000 Crystal:35.427.000

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:50.608.000
winnings Metal:7.274.217 Crystal:2.535.490 Deuterium:3.031.982

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:38.601.500
winnings Metal:3.638.336 Crystal:1.268.236 Deuterium:1.516.233

All DF collected - losses mostly LF and about 140 destroyers (darn plasmas)

Also a few raids for a measly sum on one defenseless planet just because :P

GLOTR LoC - come back stronger.

Re: Choke (A$$) v LordOfChaos (NATW)

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:19 pm
by Macker
sounds like you had fun, with profit too ! 8)


Re: Choke (A$$) v LordOfChaos (NATW)

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:45 pm
by Doomrager
Nice profit those plama's are what scared me away ;).

Re: Choke (A$$) v LordOfChaos (NATW)

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:58 pm
by big-fat-cow
Vendetta hits are better than profitable hits

but profitable vendetta hits are most delicious!