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pkromm [EZT] vs Thorr [~A~] TD:1.750.515.000

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:57 am
by Pkromm
Talking with a friend today about the few fleets in X-treme and how difficult is to find them, i was asked why i do not start popping Moons so i could find them, yeah I did that a lot in the early stages of the game , when a lot of fleeters were almost at the same level, but now the gap between the top 5 fleeters and the other are so big that I do not agree crashing someone that did everything right by a bigger guy that could pop 20 Moons in one day to find his fleet, so I said:

The best in the game is the hunt, you hide behind the bush look and wait if some of your in list targets slip, mess-up or just have bad luck you ready to launch.

Today i was ready to FS and as always I do I looked in ranks to see what is going on , normally you see few changes, today I saw part of Thorr fleet down at the wrong time, so I asked help from my mates they tried very hard and finally we got the Moon, the rest is history , but the adrenaline in such hits is a great felling.. when you trying to get a moon for about 35 min....

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 7.579.590 units of Metal, 3.325.320 units of Crystal and 1.289.357 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.750.515.000 units.
A debris field containing 390.000.000 units of Metal and 195.000.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

Aerospace Control Recycling Report
You collect; 390.000.000 units of Metal and 195.000.000 units of Crystal.

Well wish good luck on rebuild to Thorr is like a joke, before I finish this post , maybe he rebuilt already.

cya around buddy , nice to hunt you , each time is more and more difficult

Re: pkromm [EZT] vs Thorr [~A~] TD:1.750.515.000

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:25 am
by Gozar
What can I say both friends but hate to see an ally on the wrong side of a hit. Congrats PK nice spoils

as PK said bro will not take you long..

PS.. PK think you are a little behind the times no one can do more than 4 MD in 24hrs so the comment on 20 is a joke..? yes..

Big glotr bro

Re: pkromm [EZT] vs Thorr [~A~] TD:1.750.515.000

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:18 pm
by Pkromm

Code: Select all

Gozar said:

PS.. PK think you are a little behind the times no one can do more than 4 MD in 24hrs so the comment on 20 is a joke..? yes..
@ mods: fell free to move if topic does not belong here !

Yep , I may be behind the times and a little romantic, but I would say, which good player worth to be hunted would use 2 of his Moons to FS ?

He should use one of his Moons and any other given Moon, friendly or inactive, so in that case we could pop 4 of the more probable starting points and 16 other owners Moons, so would not be protected would it ?

You should remember when we popped all Moons within 30 systems to lanx a target, or maybe was not with you ,and was with Klizac or Nemesis. Damm that was long time ago.....

Re: pkromm [EZT] vs Thorr [~A~] TD:1.750.515.000

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:11 pm
by MegaMedes
Once again pkromm showing his skill as a fleeter...about the only player left here that can even think of hunting members of ~A~...nice hit Pedro...enjoy the spoils.

And to Thorr...I wish you a fast rebuild

Re: pkromm [EZT] vs Thorr [~A~] TD:1.750.515.000

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:06 pm
by Defiant
Excellent hit PK! Just shows you it doesn't matter how big you or your alliance are, you still can't make mistakes...
GLOTR Thorr!

Re: pkromm [EZT] vs Thorr [~A~] TD:1.750.515.000

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:27 pm
by harryballsac
Very nice PK.

And speaking from a personal perspective, I've hit ~A~ members too, just not with this level of success LOL

PK makes a very good point about the moon popping, and I don't see the big deterrent to mass moon popping gozar seems to see. Inactive moons would not have the same limitations placed upon them, and the 4 per 24 HRS is per player, so that wouldn't apply here either.

GLOTR thorr

Re: pkromm [EZT] vs Thorr [~A~] TD:1.750.515.000

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:37 pm
by Torgard
Wow, what can I say? This is a great hit. Enjoy the resources, PK.

Hope your rebuild is swift, Thorr.

Re: pkromm [EZT] vs Thorr [~A~] TD:1.750.515.000

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:09 pm
by Pein
nice one pkromm
glotr Thorr

Re: pkromm [EZT] vs Thorr [~A~] TD:1.750.515.000

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:51 pm
Real nice hit Pk. As maybe the only true, purist fleeter who doesn't pop moons, you've proved once again why it's not necessary. You are the "hunter extraordinaire". Proud to be your friend and ally.

GLOTR Thorr.