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Gozar[~A~] vs iambola[$aMaeL�]~TD~ 1.054.750.000

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:25 pm
by Gozar
Small story... saw his fleet score checked out a few of his planets and sent a MD to his nearest moon where I had worked out he was FS from.. he came online before it hit and lied that it was his only I checked out a few more of his plants/moons and by chance sent a few more MD's just as his fleet returned and he went VM..lucky for me he had not notice the other MD's before he VM'ed I let them run anyway and got lucky...

The attacker has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1054750000 units.
A debris field containing 420900000 units of Metal and 210450000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
A fleet of the planet Cobalt*Moon [X:XXX:X] to the moon of the planet [X:XXX:X]
The fleets deathstar concentrated their graviton shocks on the moon, causing the moon to tear itself apart. All buildings are destroyed - Mission accomplished !The moon is destroyed! The fleet begun its return journey.
The probability of the destruction of the moon is : 99 %

All DF collected..

Glotr if you return.. but lying is not