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Attacker Istalris [RAWK] -vs- Defender Alphafire [Wars]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:07 am
by Istalris
Just a little reminder not to leave your fleet sitting on your moon all night considering it to be safe.

Before Battle

Attacker: Istalris

Large Cargo... 400
Light Fighter... 4.950
Cruiser... 1.000
Battleship... 1.500
Destroyer... 100
Deathstar... 2
Battlecruiser... 100

Defender: Alphafire

Small Cargo... 875
Large Cargo... 86
Light Fighter... 3.000
Heavy Fighter... 1.413
Cruiser... 334
Battleship... 100
Colony Ship... 4
Recycler... 3
Espionage Ship... 51
Bomber... 20
Destroyer... 7
Battlecruiser... 30

Rocket Launcher... 894
Light Laser... 2
Heavy Laser... 14
Ion Cannon... 6
Large Shield Dome... 1

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 29360 units of Metal, 278204 units of Crystal and 39688 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 25.590.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 55.318.850 units.
A debris field containing 31.806.060 units of Metal and 15.255.450 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %

After Battle

Attacker: Istalris

Large Cargo... 363 (lost 37)
Light Fighter... 2.320 (lost 2.630)
Cruiser... 970 (lost 30)
Battleship... 1.487 (lost 13)
Destroyer... 99 (lost 1)
Deathstar... 0 (lost 2)
Battlecruiser... 96 (lost 4)

Defender: Alphafire

Small Cargo... 0 (lost 875)
Large Cargo... 0 (lost 86)
Light Fighter... 0 (lost 3.000)
Heavy Fighter... 0 (lost 1.413)
Cruiser... 0 (lost 334)
Battleship... 0 (lost 100)
Colony Ship... 0 (lost 4)
Recycler... 0 (lost 3)
Espionage Ship... 0 (lost 51)
Bomber... 0 (lost 20)
Destroyer... 0 (lost 7)
Battlecruiser... 0 (lost 30)

Rocket Launcher... 0 (lost 894)
Light Laser... 0 (lost 2)
Heavy Laser... 0 (lost 14)
Ion Cannon... 0 (lost 6)
Large Shield Dome... 0 (lost 1)

So yeah, i won, debris recovered (cheers for the help Slash!), made a decent profit. The thing i don't get though, is the incredible battle techs this guy had to allow him, in the final round of combat to take out 4 Large Cargo's, 23 Light Fighters, 4 Cruisers, 12 Battleships, 1 Destroyer, 1 Battlecruiser and both of my Deathstars in a single shot from his Large Shield Dome. Talk about a screwed up combat engine.


Re: Attacker Istalris [RAWK] -vs- Defender Alphafire [Wars]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:32 am
by Sadbutrue
he had defenses on a moon?

Re: Attacker Istalris [RAWK] -vs- Defender Alphafire [Wars]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:38 am
by Istalris
Yeah i lolled too, level 9 shipyard! :lol:


Re: Attacker Istalris [RAWK] -vs- Defender Alphafire [Wars]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:41 am
by Lord_of_War
You think that is funny you ought to see what happened to Lukin a few mins ago.......... :twisted:

Re: Attacker Istalris [RAWK] -vs- Defender Alphafire [Wars]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:44 am
by Istalris
Lord_of_War wrote:You think that is funny you ought to see what happened to Lukin a few mins ago.......... :twisted:


Re: Attacker Istalris [RAWK] -vs- Defender Alphafire [Wars]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:47 am
by SirDuction
i dont think i've seen a good attack against a moon, i'd stay clear of them for now until the combat engine is sorted.

Re: Attacker Istalris [RAWK] -vs- Defender Alphafire [Wars]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:32 am
by Danboy

Re: Attacker Istalris [RAWK] -vs- Defender Alphafire [Wars]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:48 pm
by Coolhand
SirDuction wrote:i dont think i've seen a good attack against a moon, i'd stay clear of them for now until the combat engine is sorted.
Agreed, moons are weird in a lot of ways. I don't fully trust mine as the owner and I don't really feel comfortable with them as an attacker. I have attacked several moons, but not with anything I couldn't shrug off if it died.

Re: Attacker Istalris [RAWK] -vs- Defender Alphafire [Wars]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:10 pm
by The_Templar
This must have been a really, really bad shield dome :o
I 've also met such monstrous shield domes myself on planets, not moons, taking one or two of my destroyers down in the last round, with a single shot.

Re: Attacker Istalris [RAWK] -vs- Defender Alphafire [Wars]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:21 pm
by Coolhand
I attacked a planet with a RIP and 5 cruisers - just a fleet-save, really more than anything else - defended by 5 light lasers and a shield dome. Round 1 I took out all 5 light lasers; Round 2 the shield killed 3 cruisers and the RIP before dying.

So, yeah, RIPs aren't really for attacking unless you have a wall of ships in front of them, and even then, it's risky. When that glitch is fixed and rapid-fire is enabled it'll be different.