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Gozar vs GenWickedDeez[I.B]~TD~52.325.459.500

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:45 pm
by Gozar
Well this may cause some mixed feelings. I will start by apologizing to GWD. Your pm saying you were quitting was the final prompt for me to also leave ZE. I sat for along while planing my exit. I decided to immortalize you for all time where you should be Wes. You have been a very good player and ally,( you may not feel the same about me now). I did not figure the destruction would be so one sided. I only sent my Rips and my LG with fodder.
I had planed to crash the rest of my fleet into the rest of IB. I will state for the record I had left IB and also removed GWD from my buddy list before I attacked. At no time did anyone in IB know this was happening. I also did not know that Shawn/kick aka ikyan had planned to crash his fleet into RJ. So I apologize that you are not #1 for long Shawn though I do feel GWD deserve his position.

Now the following has caused more than I expected. IB has been divided and a new dawn has arisen.

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 1.301.057 units of Metal, 467.757 units of Crystal and 1.122.377 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 7.742.500.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 44.582.959.500 units.
A debris field containing 20.845.003.800 units of Metal and 10.524.775.500 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

All df collected.

Wes regardless of how you feel at the moment I wish you all the best and good luck in what ever you do.

Re: Gozar vs GenWickedDeez[I.B]~TD~52.325.459.500

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:16 pm
by Rjsturgill
All i can say is, very big numbers. Yes wes was very mad at you for this, I can't say if he will forgive you or not, but I'm not mad about it at all. I get to see 3 of the top players at the top of the UoH for a very very long time to come. I will miss every one of you that decides to leave and hope you decide to stay mark.

Re: Gozar vs GenWickedDeez[I.B]~TD~52.325.459.500

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:49 pm
by kuddlez17
I'm refusing to believe any of this because your my best friend on here I know to the game we both take very different paths as far as our play styles but even before VVV or IB you were always there and even when you were spying on me several times daily our back and fourth PMs were something I always looked forward to. So all I'm gonna say is nice hit bro enjoy the profits but I don't care what you just said in your post you aren't leaving.


Re: Gozar vs GenWickedDeez[I.B]~TD~52.325.459.500

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:36 pm
Not sure what others will think...have seen some of the comments ahead of me...but I know how I see it. Yes, those are huge numbers and will definitely immortalize the hit and it's a hell of a way to go out...if that's the case. But you've put yourself in a league with the now infamous gumppy/Death vs pkromm hit. That hit happened before my time but I remember how I felt when I first read Death's account and no matter which way you looked at it, it was treasonous. What's the point of having an alliance of like minded players if one day a trusted ally suddenly withdraws from the group(not even necessary), and attacks you out of the blue without saying a word. The names Benedict Arnold and Mata Hari pop into my head. I'm well aware that it's just a game but some things in life are sacred...such as trust!! I never had any dealings with GWD...he might have probed once in the past year...but I'm sure he's not happy.

Good luck in your ventures GWD

Re: Gozar vs GenWickedDeez[I.B]~TD~52.325.459.500

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:35 pm
by Desert_Reaper
Huh, so this is the story behind the buzz.

Good Luck in life to you Gozar and GWD.

Re: Gozar vs GenWickedDeez[I.B]~TD~52.325.459.500

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:43 pm
by Joshanddrew
Well ill add my thoughts on this as well...First i want to say good bye to GWD I didn't actually have the chance to talk to you or get to know you but any loss of a veteran ZE player is a big loss in my opinion...and then the hit...i personally had mixed feeling about it as an alliance leader i see this as a huge betrayal of your teammate and a back stab....But on a personal note the few PM's that we had exchanged Gozar i saw you as a great player and decent enough guy who i liked....To us smaller players in ZE universe who watched this it was an amazing surprise...gozar left IB...he crashed everyone naturally started to make their own theory's...people on chat claiming they had talked to Gozar and he was saying this and was a good weeks entertainment to all of us little guy's we thought we were seeing the definite change in a seat of power and titanic struggle for the top players in the game...But to see Kick,Kron,GWD, and now you Gozar leave the is indeed a sad day in ZE history...we will see what faces emerge to claim power in the XTREME universe some naturals come to mind RJ,FISH....but who else will emerge to show their greet fleeting prowess is still unseen...anyways i feel ive gotten off point....this was indeed one hell of way to go out GWD...i doubt these numbers will drop out of the top 10 for a long time to era of legends is coming to end to see new ones emerge...I bid farewell to the great players mentioned above and look forward to seeing the new faces emerge out of the uncertainty and obscurity....

Re: Gozar vs GenWickedDeez[I.B]~TD~52.325.459.500

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:03 pm
by Torgard

What a shocking new Number one Solo hit. Hate to see two IB brothers in the same Combat Report, but it has been done. And now both will be in the Union of Honor for a very long time.

Other than that I am kind of speechless. Good luck in Real Life GWD and hope you decide to return one day. Gozar, I hope you do not leave as well. It would be a significant loss if we lose both of you, within days of losing Kick and Kron.

Truly, a new dawn has arisen.

Re: Gozar vs GenWickedDeez[I.B]~TD~52.325.459.500

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:26 pm
by loko
Whoa... HUGE numbers. Flashbacks of Gumps vs Pk... mixed emotions. Can't say too much on this but Grats to Gozar, Good Luck to GWD. Hope you both decide to stay. And of course since losing so many veterans it will be exciting to see the new class.

Re: Gozar vs GenWickedDeez[I.B]~TD~52.325.459.500

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:57 pm
Lol, if you had said you wanted to play cat and mouse with the guys Mark, I would have stayed around for a couple weeks ;)

In all seriousness, it is going to hurt ZE to see another two top ten players leaving, however, it can be a good thing. Let's be honest, IB won. IB conquered the server and quite simply dominated. A few of us leaving is a good thing for the other players in the game so that they can step up and become some top guns of their own.

For this specific hit:

I know the details, however I am not going to say them out here, as it is between the bros and gal of the (former?) IB.

Mark, damn bro, big *** CR and of course a great way to go out in the number one! Same to you Wes, as you were leaving for rl anyways, no need for there to be any anger between bros, you are now immortalized in ZE.

To everyone that is angry about this hit, I will just say the one thing I always say about this old game: when you play poker with friends, do you fold every hand? And just as well, if yous are really close then being honest, a friendship is more important then a silly game anyways! Game = timekiller, friendship = bond.

I just hope that me leaving was not what inspired this turn of events, as I am thinking that it may have :(

Glirl to BOTH of you and if either of you ever get into some random game that is pimpin', let me know and we can all stop in to get some of the old guys together!!

Re: Gozar vs GenWickedDeez[I.B]~TD~52.325.459.500

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:16 am
by Gozar
Unfortunately Shawn your exit has caused this situation. For many reasons. 1st Yes I left IB to hit Wes. I had my reasons and they may have been selfish or even a tad underhanded. But as you said GWD was quitting anyway the same as you. I had stated after the hit that I would divide the df among IB members ( I also intended to crash my remaining fleet into the others) but then I heard of your exit hit with RJ. Then the guys tell me Rob is not splitting the DF from your hit. Not the IB way. I have since learnt of your plan to return and Rob is to hold your 30 billion till then ( This does not sound right bro) Better to have just VM. Or if you wanted to return unknown with a fresh account.. having 30 billion to draw on. I don't know if this plan is true just the reason Rob gave. I feel that you did not trust the rest of us, with your resources or intentions if this is true. The whole thing stinks to me. Secrets within an alliance can only divide it.

I would also like to say Rob left IB and agreed to crash his fleet for the others. I did not want any of this. I now have been informed by him that he has been talked into remaining by none other than ZORG himself. This is a little strange if the controller/owner of a game takes so much interest in one player. When he has never even spoke to some of the real Greats of this game. If this is also true..? Then I may find my fleet missing or my account deleted.
I may even find this post deleted or edited.