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ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:22 pm
Alright, well I had been losing some interest for a while. Had been launching most hits at 70-80% to give defenders a chance at avoiding and scarring em straight instead of hitting. Hopefully it helps someone (cough Defiant, cough).

Well I am going to try to keep this nice and short for the most part, but hey we all kow how these always end up... in a giant friggin rant!

Alright, started this game way back in '09. Learned a goodly bit from some of the players around the game back then off of Klizac and a couple others. This was just the common sense, send your fleet off when offline crap, still helped, so thanks to all that old guard.

From there, went into a few groups that were suppose to teach, and had some nice people. For the most part they were lackluster in quality. Finally plopped into one called Revenge of the Fallen, had some good ones in there, but we all were clueless at the time, don't remember all the names now, but there was me, djmanj and a few others that went on to become a part of that "next" generation.

When that clan folded, got offered to essentially run BR by Leafytree (leafy was busy in rl then :P) and so, just started bringing in active and aggressive players. Wanted to do that one thing that was never really done in any group I had been in, teach people how to play! Only problem was that as others like jewlobster and Loko were being taught by me, I had to learn more then them myself to keep teaching em :lol:

There were some fun days back then and definitely was the most randomly odd group I have been in. I do have to admit I am still scarred from some of those videos that you showed in that old chat Lloyd!

As people were becoming less active around BR, after the days that we had me, Jason, Ross, Jess, and Walter (calling you the english version bro, I still cannot pronounce it properly otherwise LOL) I got offered to join IB. Being honest, I had rejected VVV originally, and top groups (including IB once) since then. Once the times had changed, got into one of the closest groups I've been in in games, and big thanks guys and gal! Simply the best players are here right now and you made the game fun again, especially the hunting.

After a while it had been dulled down for me, and the game lost what had made it fun. Combine that with some poor responses I had been getting from people simply for hitting a profit on them, and I realized that a lot of people did not want the knowledge I offered around, no names needed, people all know who they are and best of luck to ya.

Thought about it, and everything going on in real life, and there are a lot of things that just are more important and need my time right now. Was going to VM it, but just said screw it, mide as well go out in style and enjoy one last CR!

To some individuals:

@Ross, being honest, you were the only person that could have stopped this LOL, not me leaving, but the CR, as you were the only player I offered the account with fleet to. The response you gave showed the most class I have probably ever seen in ZE. Thank you bro, and it has been fun the whole time, good luck with running BR there!

@Mark, Last summer when you were popping my moons, I enjoyed the conversations we had then LOL. After having been a teammate, it just shows that people who talk otherwise are a bunch of bum monkeys as you are truly a great person and player, and I can say that from both sides as enemy and friend. I have enjoyed the time here, and thanks for bringing me into IB and for waiting such a long time for me to finally join up.

@Rob, I enjoyed the teamwork, and I do not think anyone could have helped more then you did during the days I had in IB. You stuck your *** on the line a couple times for me, and big thanks. It shows true friendship, someone that is willing to risk something to help someone else. At first when I saw you making that fleet I had thought you were just a miner with big toys, however I can honestly say after the fleeting and teamwork we had that you are very skilled at both fleeting and mining. Big thanks!

@Jason, Learned so much chasing you back in 2010. The technical side of the game, and much more reserved approach I finally got was something I learned from you. Wonderful for a teacher to learn something from the student LOL. Big thanks for the help over the days, and I'll miss seeing activity timers on you 18 hours a day LOL

@Wes, you are a quiet fella, but have a great attitude. You made the game fun when I was hating on you last year, and fun as a teammate as well. best of luck bro

@Dene, Don't be a *****, get your *** back in the game lol. Sorry I just needed to find a way to work ***** into this... look what you have done :lol:

@Amanda, When rl gives you some time, I'd love to see a nice bil hit you do in the future on forums here. It will happen.

@Mark + Kiley, you two kept my fleet in the air almost alone from how much deut i got off you. Lord know my mines were never good enough to do it on their own XD, everyone needs others to help them, big thanks and I owe yous

@Lee, lot of fun with you scanning targets and insulting people, we need more true players like you LOL

@ My BR fellas (jewl, thorr, matt) You all made the game fun back there, and best of luck to you all. A great group of people for sure.

@Evans, welcome back to ZE. Hope you enjoy the gift you will be having later! Not as much as you have helped me but then again, I need to find a way to get to that beach with ya!

@To everyone else, I know I am cutting a lot of people off here, but to be honest, everyone that has helped me knows who they are, I'll stop the list and save y'all a read.. thank you all and just send me a message, ill keep the account active a couple days to get email addresses

Here we go guys:

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 32.175.949.400 units.
The defender has lost a total of 4.838.559.000 units.
A debris field containing 12.093.742.440 units of Metal and 10.114.962.600 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

Surprised I did that much damage considering 2/3 of my fleet was BC against all those rips.

Well, a new number one and thank you for the pleasure.

Enjoy the rest of the game folks, and I will try to stop by chat from time to time.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:24 pm
by Weresloth
You'll come back soon. You always do.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:28 pm
by Joshanddrew
they always come back eventually....Good luck in real life shawn its been a pleasure to get to know you even a little bit...

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:30 pm
by azriel.
you defo taught me some stuff :D your a great player and you will be missed but i do hope to see you coming back bro

good luck mate, take care kick.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:32 pm
by Rjsturgill
Shawn, I'm really going to miss you, you and I have been through a lot from you hunting me, to us working together and taking down the standards server. You were the first one to teach me anything about fleeting, and I really appreciate it. you have been a great friend, and I know you went to battle for me when we had that IB misunderstanding.

Hopefully you come back soon, but until then I'm going to start taking up the slack and doing what kick would do :p.

Again thanks for everything and GL in RL, I'm sure we will be in touch.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:38 pm
by harryballsac
going out with a bang. good luck in rl dude. been great getting to know you bro. I will miss you in chat just shootin the shyt, and miss the hell out of your advice and unmatched knowledge of the game.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:01 am
by Choke
I didn't know you too long and, if I remember right, I only learned one thing from you directly. Good luck in rl out there, and keep the party going. Maybe we'll see you around in the future.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:46 am
by KarrothMelu
Oh sure, all the great moments we have together and the friendship and all that, and all I get is a thanks for the deut. I see now where your loyalties lie :P

In all seriousness, Shawn, you'll be missed by everyone, you're a super classy, fun player with a wee bit of skill thrown in there for good measure. This is a big loss for the game and especially for the community. I wish you well in all that you do, and I'll probably still be around when you decide it's time to pick up the pieces and start causing terror again ;)

Best of luck in the real world, and I can't think of a super-cool closing line.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:55 am
by pupairo12
Kick, you were the one who taught me at least half of what I know about this game. Fleeting skills, phalanxes, basically anything to do with fleeting at all, you've taught me it. It's been one heck of a ride man, and I hope to see you here when I come back (after I finish quitting of course). Thank you for everything man, you're a key part of this game. Without you, everything changes. I'm sure I speak for all of your targets when I say the red on our overviews caused by you will be missed. Congrats on the number one hit, and good luck in real life Shawn.

Re: ikyan [IB] vs Destruction [IB] TD 37.014.508.400

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:12 am
by loko
Well Shawn its been really fun. I tried my best to keep you in game or at least in v-mode with your fleet sitting. But I know that if you decide to come back it won't take long for you to build up an even bigger fleet. :D I remember when I started back in late 09 I tried to start an alliance but it failed because I knew nothing :roll: So I joined BR after you recruited me (the old days of 50+ members). I had friends helping me with the basics but you taught me the more technical tricks of the trade. You will be missed but i'm sure we will stay in touch. Good Luck in Real Life bro... Puff Puff PASS!!!!!