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Gozar[I.B] vs snowy[BR13]~TD~ 1.626.562.000

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:29 am
by Gozar
Where to begin.. about a week or so ago I caught sight of snowys fleet down and moved next door to him :)

The problem was he had 11 or so moons at his main.. plus 10 colonies most with moons else where.. The hunt began..along with some moon popping.. However this 4 MD per/24hrs is a real killer.. I could not pop his moons quick enough (he replaced them all well within the 24hrs I had to wait.. :wall: So after about 4/5 days of this I asked the TEAM for some help.. :)

Now figure this ZE with 3 of us popping his moons he still replaced them all yes he was able to replace 11 moons in 24hrs.. :x

Today some 6 to 7 days later.. he slips up on a FS and his fleet lands without him being on line.. I was almost ready.. sent deut needed for the Recyclers and launched I only had enough deut on my colony to send about 1/2 my BC (Speed here was important) I had no idea if he would come online in time.. :roll: My luck was in.. I managed to get one follow up before he sent me a message..Nice reply snowy true sportsmanship..a very good chase, you proved resourceful.. the most fun I have had in months.. Huge GLOTR...

Once again IB showed team work and thanx guys for all your help... Though I agreed on the reduction of MD it was an error that enabled this not moon popping.. Also when I agreed to this reduction I did not realise the MD would be 4 per/24hrs in total. Per player would have been a much better idea... Or even a if a player only had 2 moons you could not pop both giving them a chance.. etc..jmo.

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 14807 units of Metal, 7632 units of Crystal and 22226479 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 70.280.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.556.282.200 units.
A debris field containing 523.073.220 units of Metal and 452.864.100 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 7403 units of Metal, 3816 units of Crystal and 11113240 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 0 units.
A debris field containing 0 units of Metal and 0 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

all df collected.. GLOTR snowy.. it was fun..

Re: Gozar[I.B] vs snowy[BR13]~TD~ 1.626.562.000

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:12 am
by Pkromm
Everybody knows I do not comment hits but for this one.....
Gozar said:

a very good chase, you proved resourceful.. the most fun I have had in months.. Huge GLOTR...
T H I the idea after all have fun not put fire in the wood and wait for the Rabbits come out.

Nice hit buddy, all like should be: A big guy can not send all his ships, deut OTW ... and lot of factors that make Adrenaline increases and only after the shake stops you realize that was FUN !


Re: Gozar[I.B] vs snowy[BR13]~TD~ 1.626.562.000

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:12 am
by SilverTB
Haha....nice hit soon i will get on that caliber of fleeting GLOTR

Re: Gozar[I.B] vs snowy[BR13]~TD~ 1.626.562.000

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:29 am
by space-rambo
Good hit.

GLOTR snowy

Re: Gozar[I.B] vs snowy[BR13]~TD~ 1.626.562.000

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:32 pm
by Torgard
Excellent play there Gozar and glad I could help out. ;)

Enjoy the hard-earned profits from this one.

Good luck rebuilding Snowy.

Re: Gozar[I.B] vs snowy[BR13]~TD~ 1.626.562.000

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:26 pm
Looks like a great chase and great sportsmanship. Excellent hit Gozar.

Good luck on the rebuild Snowy.