Gozar [I.B] vs Thor [BR13]~TD~13.611.215.650

My best ever solo hit..new#2 in Top Ten I believe ? and a long time coming on Thorr. A true advisory.. the only player who has ever ninja me. 20k BC fleet I attacked him with last year.. But revenge is sweet and best served cold.. Briefly I saw his fleet score yesterday and probed a few of his moons ..Found the majority of his fleet near one on my colonies.. The only problem was it was on a 9.7+k moon.. So those of you who call me a coward.. I took the risk of popping his moon and loosing 5k Rips.. That is more fleet score than most of the top fleeters have.. Luck was On my side the moon gone..Rips returned.

I then had the following on a 1 second lanx.. Sent a message out for RC help..(please Zorg we need an improved RC type ship.. the old one is so out of date in it volume pick up..) I have 265,000 plus RC and still could not pick up all the DF.. Thanx RJ for your support.. 15 KK loss was just 5k LF sent as fodder..knowing Thorr still had some fleet not on lanx.. :?:

Enough said enjoy the result I have.. A big GLOTR Thorr your pm's before the hit went down should good sportsmanship.. nothing personal.. but you were the top 7th fleeter in ZE.. :boohoo: Hope you stay and rebuild.. :think:

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 633 units of Metal, 422 units of Crystal and 231 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 15.000.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 13.596.215.650 units.
A debris field containing 4.859.053.140 units of Metal and 3.168.601.950 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

All df collected less the 248 RC Thorr managed to build and send before the hit went down.. Oh btw how did you hope to FS with no Deut..what happened to the 1/2 billion resources you had on the moon yesterday..?

again GLOTR Thorr..
Last edited by Gozar on Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Gozar [I.B] vs Thor [BR13]~TD~13.611.215.650 New #2

An awesome display of carnage, which deserves to be in the top 10 all-time hits.

Congrats on the find and smash Gozar, I know you have been looking to take that fleet out for some time. Awesome game play. Also, great team-work on capturing the DF.

I would like to wish Thorr a speedy recovery if he stays - which I am sad to say he has told me he was not going to stay. Good luck in whatever you decide to do Thorr. You were a good adversary and a friend.

Re: Gozar [I.B] vs Thor [BR13]~TD~13.611.215.650

Tue 15 Mar 2011, 14:07:43 Thorr [x:xxx:xx] No subject ReplyReply Chat ModeChat
I have seen it, and thanx for the compliment, by the way what I don`t understand is I lost all resources the fleet was carrying 400mill, but you don`t have any and I don`t have any so I don`t understand where it is, do you know?

Before anyone says's anything I have Thorr's permission to post this PM.. Following the hit.. I have just made on him. It looks as if a bug happened during this hit.. as all resources he was carrying have disappeared..been lost. Can ZE look into this or do I need to send a e-mail..? I figure this occurred due to being a 1 second behind his fleet not allowing the resources to be up dated..?

Once again Thorr glotr and I hope you stay..

btw nice new Avatar Torgard.. :D

Re: Gozar [I.B] vs Thor [BR13]~TD~13.611.215.650

It is always interesting to watch close friends and mates going at it. Sad to see that Thorr got hit, but am happy that at least it went to an alliance mate, great job Gozar. Looking at that df is just crazy profit. Hmm, a BR player going down in a 13bil hit, with 8bil to df... sheesh too familiar :?

Gozar's growth and hunting is just out of this world. And to Thorr, great sportsmanship as you have always shown and I truly hope you stay. BIG Glotr to Thorr, and I hope you stay around :)
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.