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Gozar [I.B] vs Hazeric [AoZ] Don't steal under lanx

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:37 pm
by Gozar
Now I would not ordinary post this size of hit.. How ever this player was in the same system as Zorton and online during my attacks.. I sent him a PM saying to leave the df alone and I would leave him alone..I also told him his planets where under lanx.. Obversely he thought he was better than me.. Not only did he try and steal some of the df , but his reply was rude..calling me a cheap cheat.. etc.. Well I hit the recyclers on their return..but also noticed a deploy mission to another gala of 15 EC.. so I spied that colony and found the following down..and timed a lanx hit there..

May be next time you will think twice before you steal another players work.. more so when you were warned.. :naughty:

btw..If you or any other player thinks I am cheating then please send your proof to ZE..admin.

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 10132267 units of Metal, 874707 units of Crystal and 6656368 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 130.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 69.556.600 units.
A debris field containing 16.242.810 units of Metal and 15.540.150 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

Re: Gozar [I.B] vs Hazeric [AoZ] Don't steal under lanx

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:00 pm
by SPY
Ok normally i like to see hits as better said as they are. but sorry gozar one word came up right in the middle of ur narration... bullies and later after i finished noob.

bullies cause u were trying to bully him out .... DF are always free to collect by any.
noob cause he didnt have the common sense to hide his fleet activity and went on the mission and replied with a bad attitude.

a good bashing in the end.

Re: Gozar [I.B] vs Hazeric [AoZ] Don't steal under lanx

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:05 pm
Hazeric needs to learn some common sense. I use to try to get pieces of the big dfs, but the usually was not dumb enough to just up and say "HEY TOP FIVE PLAYERS I AM MOOCHING YOUR DF!". That is just stupid, cause he is essentially doing that by sending it right on friggin lanx. Again here, Gozar I would say did not bully here, as he tried to talk Hazeric into keeping his fleet lol. Nice job and enjoy the profits.

I am not going to give a glotr because the guy does not seem to deserve one here. Hopefully he wises up here and takes it as a learning experience though :)

Re: Gozar [I.B] vs Hazeric [AoZ] Don't steal under lanx

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:31 pm
by chrisOH
while. leaching random debris is something we all did when we where smaller. normally we used a moon while doing so.
and gozar you are a CHEATING AND BULLY! :whistle:

Re: Gozar [I.B] vs Hazeric [AoZ] Don't steal under lanx

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:38 pm
by Thatguyeric
I don't see anything wrong with that. It's called diplomacy. Gratz.

Re: Gozar [I.B] vs Hazeric [AoZ] Don't steal under lanx

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:44 pm
by Torgard
I have to agree with you Kick. Hazeric should be more discrete when going for the "BIG" DF. And it did not warrant the bad manners from Hazeric either.

Nice going there Gozar. Enjoy the spoils. ;)

Re: Gozar [I.B] vs Hazeric [AoZ] Don't steal under lanx

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:10 pm
by Gozar
As I said before.. I asked him not to and even warned him he was on lanx.. How on earth is that bullying..? Let alone the type of reply I received back..

Just want to clarify.. Any player that attacks another play who wins a battle is a bully according to players in ZE.. the only player who is not a bully is the player that sends an attack to LOOSE..? OK Got it now..

Oh and Kronic.. np just send your proof to Zorg..If not shut your mouth.. Or I will have to bully