Re: Hall of Shame

You know you're a Zorgaholic if you:

Try to fleet save your paycheck.

Call in sick from work just to make sure your returning fleet isn't wiped out.

Stay up until 2AM just to attack the guy one system over.

Refer to your mother-in-law as The Death Star.

Get up two hours early just to farm inactives.

Think the mail man is a espionage probe.

Tell the attendant to fill your car with deut.

Look for rows 4 through 7 in the parking lot at the mall.

Panic during server maintenance and suffer withdraws.

Refer to the dumpster outside your apartment as The Debris Field.

You try to figure a way to set your resources to zero before you take a week off from work.

You prefer solar sats over a cup of coffee in the morning.

Want to IPM the neighbor's cat.

Yeah, it's shameful.

Re: Hall of Shame

i almost had a heart attack after the last serve maintenance since i was not able to fleet save and i slept only 3 hours after waiting forever. luckly it was just neo attacking my planets for no benefit. good ole neo.
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!

Re: Hall of Shame

here is my fall of fail entry
it happened a while ago

Attacker Loss: 19.682.500 Defender Loss:6.435.200
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:10.718.220 Crystal:3.947.700

Attacker sadbutrue [x:xxx:x]
Weapons: x % Shields: x % Armor: x %
Type L. Fighter H. Fighter Cruiser B.ship Destroyer. Battlecruiser
Number 390 14 23 478 79 32
Weapon 100 343 949 2.436 5.040 1.426
Shield 22 59 122 403 1.239 974
Armour 600 2.500 6.500 12.000 22.000 14.000

Defender xxxxxxx [x:xxx:x]
Weapons: x % Shields: x % Armor: x %
Type L. Cargo. Cruiser B.ship Recycler E. Probe Bomber Solar Satellite. Destroyer. Battlecruiser R. Launcher Light Laser. Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Cannon S. Shield Dome L. Shield Dome
Number 20 3 90 20 40 11 4.996 15 5 466 525 103 1 5 20 1 1
Weapon 11 722 1.691 2 0 1.995 2 3.572 1.490 134 173 556 2.320 268 5.871 2 2
Shield 54 107 388 17 0 1.064 23 760 828 43 51 200 346 1.036 667 3.724 16.150
Armour 2.850 6.175 11.400 2.850 162 14.250 105 20.900 13.300 475 190 1.235 5.700 1.425 19.000 3.800 19.000

then round 6...

Attacker sadbutrue [x:xxx:x]
Weapons: x % Shields: x % Armor: x %
Type B.ship Destroyer. Battlecruiser
Number 208 74 20
Weapon 0 0 0
Shield 0 0 0
Armour 0 0 0

Defender xxxxxx [x:xxx:x]
Weapons: x % Shields: x % Armor: x %
Type L. Cargo. B.ship Recycler Bomber Solar Satellite. Destroyer. R. Launcher Light Laser. Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Cannon L. Shield Dome
Number 3 54 11 11 1.852 15 125 174 49 1 5 19 1
Weapon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Armour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The attacking fleet fires for 895.318 on the defender. The defender shields absord 0 points of damage.
The defensive fleet fires back for 425.759 against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 0 points of damage.
The battle ends in a tie !
The attacker has lost a total of 19.682.500 units.
The defender has lost a total of 6.435.200 units.
A debris field containing 10.718.220 units of Metal and 3.947.700 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %

i had to stay up all night to recover the df
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!

Re: Hall of Shame

Are you talking about this hits sad?

Attack Report ======

Attacker Loss: 69.500 Defender Loss:1.989.500
winnings Metal:60.909 Crystal:14.026 Deuterium:4.453
Debris Metal:78.300 Crystal:81.600

Are you tired of receiving those messages everyday? :lol:
Seasons end.