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Comettail27 vs Fusion TD 8,691,000

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:48 am
by OrionRising
Ive been espionaging the planet for like 3 days now. Finally I took a few IPMs and smashed some lightlasers away so that I could get my fleet in and out in such a way that I still got a good profit. Unfortunately I had to go before all of the DF was recycled so somebody got about 1 million metal but really i didn't care about anything except for the crystal. GLoTR Fusion. My biggest hit so far on Speed.

Attacker Loss: 1.020.000 Defender Loss:7.671.000
winnings Metal:18.874 Crystal:153.313 Deuterium:27.088
Debris Metal:3.358.800 Crystal:1.061.700