Triad [FTA] vs. necro [GIF] TD 18.500
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:50 am
The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 8667 units of Metal, 6335 units of Crystal and 2994 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 3.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 15.500 units.
A debris field containing 1.200 units of Metal and 3.900 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
Not particularly significant but my biggest hit yet and an omen of my power to come,sorry about the LF loss though.
You receive 8667 units of Metal, 6335 units of Crystal and 2994 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 3.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 15.500 units.
A debris field containing 1.200 units of Metal and 3.900 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
Not particularly significant but my biggest hit yet and an omen of my power to come,sorry about the LF loss though.