JonnyTman (EZT) vs. PKromm (EZT) ? TD 582 mil

Okay, I know what you are all thinking... JonnyTman and PKromm are friends, they are in the same alliance, why would Jonny attack PK. Well when you lauch at a man like pk , there has to be a story, well here it is. I am kicking back getting ready to fs, when my buddy PK asks me to spy his moon. NP, I do it, this is what I see.

I see a sweet snack defending pk's moon. Yummers, it happens to be a non-alliance intruder who is acs defending pk..

A fleet from moondarkLT send a message from the planet xxxxx [] is defending planet Colony []
Fleet mission: ACS Defend

So, I do what anyone would do, I Launch at my own alliance mate. Actually, I take that back, I launch at the leader of my alliance, and here is the result.

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:582.366.050
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:93.280
Debris Metal:276.918.780 Crystal:72.500.850

The 93k deut loss was pk's and I hope he can forgive me for that. The rest belonged to moondarkLT.

GLOTR MoonDark.