riddler(rebel) VS ru440(azg)

Attacker Riddler
Weapons: Type Battlecruiser
Number 2.318
Weapon 1.820
Shield 1.030
Armor 17.500

Defender ru440
Weapons: Type Solar Satellite. R. Launcher Ion Cannon S. Shield Dome L. Shield Dome
Number 24.000 3.000 452 1 1
Weapon 2 144 303 0 0
Shield 18 43 1.029 4.872 19.950
Armor 105 475 1.425 3.800 19.000

The attacking fleet fires 5 times for a total of 21.093.800 points of damage on the defender. The defender shields absord 2.417.144 points of damage.
The defensive fleet fires back 1 times for a total of 614.556 points of damage against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 614.556 points of damage.

Weapons: Type Battlecruiser
Number 2.318
Weapon 1.456
Shield 1.030
Armor 17.500

Defender ru440
Weapons: Type R. Launcher Ion Cannon S. Shield Dome L. Shield Dome
Number 2.303 452 1 1
Weapon 157 294 0 0
Shield 43 1.124 3.864 22.470
Armor 475 1.425 3.800 19.000

The attacking fleet fires 1 times for a total of 3.375.008 points of damage on the defender. The defender shields absord 609.898 points of damage.
The defensive fleet fires back 1 times for a total of 493.998 points of damage against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 493.998 points of damage.

Attacker Riddler
Weapons: Type Battlecruiser
Number 2.318
Weapon 1.693
Shield 1.050
Armor 17.500

Defender ru440
WeaponsTypeS. Shield Dome L. Shield Dome
Number 421 1 1
Weapon 246 0 0
Shield 1.197 3.780 23.100
Armor 1.425 3.800 19.000

The attacking fleet fires 1 times for a total of 3.923.446 points of damage on the defender. The defender shields absord 516.992 points of damage.
The defensive fleet fires back 1 times for a total of 103.566 points of damage against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 103.566 points of damage.

Attacker Riddler
Weapons: Type Battlecruiser
Number 2.318
Weapon 1.729
Shield 915
Armor 17.500

Defender ru440
WeapoType L. Shield Dome
Number 1
Weapon 0
Shield 19.740
Armor 19.000

The attacking fleet fires 1 times for a total of 4.007.822 points of damage on the defender. The defender shields absord 19.740 points of damage.
The defensive fleet fires back 1 times for a total of 0 points of damage against the attacker. The attacker shields absorb 0 points of damage.

Attacker Riddler
Weapons: Type Battlecruiser
Number 2.318
Weapon 1.711
Shield 967
Armor 17.500

Defender ru440
The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 1148 units of Metal, 501 units of Crystal and 208 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 24.210.000 units.
A debris field containing 720.000 units of Metal and 7.200.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %

Report created in 0.00142502784729 seconds
its funny cause i just asked a friend to kill my sats,then a few min ltr riddler attacks,i got the whole df so all he gained was nothing lol he sent over 2k bc from a diff galaxy so think of the deut he spent compared to what he gained(i underlined it)...u tell me who won...i say not him lol :naughty: p.s. about 90% of defense came back on line lol
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it