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GenWickedDeez [VVV] vs. KroniclyChallanged TD 5.318B

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:22 pm
by chrisOH
While i was about to send my self back into V-mode because i couldn't find anything to hit. then i noticed GWD launched a destroy mission at me. i simed it alot and it looked like was going to win with around a 400m to a 800m loss with a small chance at lossing all my fleet. i thought the force was with me and i took the cance to ninja it... turns out the force has a sense of humor.

The attacker has lost a total of 675.000.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 4.642.907.000 units.
A debris field containing 1611144900 units of Metal and 1579599300 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

i managed to rec it all but i'm sure he'll be around for another stab it at :cry:

while its a good thing i got the rec on it because with my mines it would have been a nasty rebuild XD

Re: KroniclyChallanged VS GenWickedDeez (VVV) TD 4.643B

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:48 pm
by GenWickedDeez
First of all, I find it pretty distasteful for you to post my CR....second, change that M to a B on the TD. That's right your whole fleet would now be classifed as MIA.

and....Let's not forget his moon....yep, you guessed it, POP!

A little more to the story...Kron has hit a few of my friends but one in particular that stuck a nerve. I decided the plan with the rest of the VVV and I sent 241 rips on a MD. Ofcourse he saw the fleet and attempted (emphasize on attempted) to ninja did that go over Kron? Best 90 rips I ever wasted...

You did get the DF, and I can't promise much...but I can surely promise that will be the most expensive DF you ever stole..


Re: KroniclyChallanged VS GenWickedDeez (VVV) TD 4.643M

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:50 pm
by chrisOH
while it was my failed ninja so dosn't that mean it was either of us to post. and i was trying to show good sportsmanship. way to act like a doosh

Re: KroniclyChallanged VS GenWickedDeez (VVV) TD 4.643M

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 5:16 pm
by Shandris
nice attempt kron, would have been a pretty big thing for you if you'd succeeded, but hey, the randomness of the battle engine sucker punches us all at some point

you got the df so you have a headstart rebuilding, cant imagine how much deut was lost in those 50k+ bc though D:

best of luck on rebuilding to the both of you :)

Re: KroniclyChallanged VS GenWickedDeez (VVV) TD 4.643M

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 5:23 pm
by chrisOH
:cry: don't mention the deut loss.

Re: KroniclyChallanged VS GenWickedDeez (VVV) TD 4.643M

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 6:44 pm
by chrisOH
in the end gen got a couple hits on the reced resources and made away with a few hundred mil resources. and gozar trashed my rec fleet do to i was a moment to late on moving them before the hit and forced me into V-mode to save the last of what i could. nice team work guys.
Edit: the song goes to my lost soldiers. they served me while in the time of there tarrior, now to rebuild and kill there sons :shock:
Edit: sorry for the double post sloth :P

Re: KroniclyChallanged VS GenWickedDeez (VVV) TD 4.643M

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:05 pm
by Weresloth
Also, title's misleading. GWD attacked you, not the other way around.

Re: KroniclyChallanged VS GenWickedDeez (VVV) TD 4.643M

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:25 pm
by Shandris
Weresloth wrote:Also, title's misleading. GWD attacked you, not the other way around.
also, TD in the title is wrong, it is only displaying Kron's losses :)

Re: KroniclyChallanged VS GenWickedDeez (VVV) TD 4.643M

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:32 pm
by phil
and its a new N.10 if im not mistaking ...

Re: KroniclyChallanged VS GenWickedDeez (VVV) TD 4.643M

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 11:46 pm
by chrisOH
ok so i have officially failed at everything today (sigh)