DrEvil(aka Gumppy) vs PKromm[ZEFA] TD 27,639,423,450

I seen a hit a couple weeks ago by Zeeks on bob from zefa that reminded me of myself back in my RAWK days taking on the 'evil' Vengeance crew.His boldness got me thinking of ways to use his fleet to trap 1 of the best fleeters in the game.Than in Pk's last post i seen a comment from TGE about how it is the man not the alliance that makes a fleeter.This got me thinking as well..so i left VVV to test this theory in the open field.So we are absolutely clear noone from VVV knew of this plan and they will be just as surprised to see this as everyone else.

To be fair i could have reduced my loses considerable but i figured if this hit was to land he deserved the biggest bang possible so i loaded up the whole package and sent it away.I seen some activity timers so i sent the warning shot(prob) across his bow and than slow launched.The rest was a mess to be sure.The last comment i remember seeing was the funniest times he has was when Tom and i was chasing him and than he was off to start an alliance on how to teach people to fleetsave and become better fleeters...

and now for the numbers everyone has always wondered about but never got to see

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 71891218 units of Metal, 56560109 units of Crystal and 32337497 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 3.983.357.500 units.
The defender has lost a total of 23.656.065.950 units.
A debris field containing 11.652.425.820 units of Metal and 4.795.255.350 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %

DF recovered took my 200k+ 5 trips to do it though :cry:
and remember if you ain't me they need to flying or diein

Re: DrEvil(aka Gumppy) vs PKromm[ZEFA] TD 27,639,423,450

After I talked with Gumppy's relatives I began to understand why he became Dr. Devil, from the deep of my heart I wish to you and your family a better life, and big bro all I have to say was told long ago...............

I left VVV because I wanted to give myself to the community, I will be on line as long new players needs may help


Though Genesis depicts Cain's motive in killing Abel as simply being one of jealousy concerning God's favor for Abel, this is not the view of many extra-biblical works. The Midrash and the Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan both record that the real motive involved the desire of women. According to Midrashic tradition, Cain and Abel each had twin sisters, whom they were to marry. The Midrash records that Abel's promised wife was the more beautiful. Cain would not consent to this arrangement. Adam proposed to refer the question to God by means of a sacrifice. God rejected Cain's sacrifice, signifying His disapproval of his marriage with Aclima, and Cain slew his brother in a fit of jealousy.[39]

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Community of Christ, there is a different view, found in part of their scripture, the Book of Moses (part of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible), which describes that Cain's motive is still jealousy, jealous of God's acceptance of Abel's offering and also Abel's livestock of which he is jealous. This translation also holds that it was Satan that "commanded" Cain to make the offering, thus making Cain's sacrifice vain and faithless.
[edit] Abel's death
William Blake's The Body of Abel Found by Adam and Eve.

In Christianity, comparisons are sometimes made between the death of Abel and that of Jesus, the former thus seen as being the first martyr: in Matthew 23:35, Jesus speaks of Abel as righteous; and the Epistle to the Hebrews states that The blood of sprinkling ... [speaks] better things than that of Abel (Hebrews 12:24). The blood of Jesus is interpreted as bringing mercy; but that of Abel as demanding vengeance (hence the curse and mark).[40]

Abel is invoked in the litany for the dying in Roman Catholic Church, and his sacrifice is mentioned in the Canon of the Mass with those of Abraham and Melchisedek. The Coptic Church commemorates him with a feast day on December 28.[41]

mine day will be remember always on 13th May 2010

Re: DrEvil(aka Gumppy) vs PKromm[ZEFA] TD 27,639,423,450

I am returning as early this morning I did not finish my post, as I had a big pain in my back, well after several x-rays was found that I was stabbed in the back, they found a big stab and 2 or 3 small ones , after the treatment i was assured that no more pain would be felt, they were right no physical pain before or after the treatment, the only pain is phiscological as:

1st I was very upset when our great leader SOC and one of the best players ever in ZE accepted Gumppy to join ~V~, I told him then that the reason Gumppy was coming to our Alliance was go find a safe port.

2nd With the time I started trust Gumppy as a fair and reliable mate.

3rd Did not remember the old saying that the snake changes skin but not the soul.

Damm Big Bro, why you did not tell me you want a direct confront, would be great fun, maybe because you lost the ability in hitting a experint player in open field, I know we both know that I would enjoy a lot to play hide and seek as we did for weeks in the past, maybe you choosed that way as you lost your lion instincts and started with the hyena ones.

Yeah you destroyed my fleet, who bloody cares, all my real friends know i never care about points or ranks all I wanted was have fun and find virtual friends, in both cases I was very lucky I have a lot of fun and I have many and I mean it many friends in this platform. I will start rebuild just to be able to help my real mates.

I hope you use the resources to build a memorial of a dead brother that learn to trust on you and was stabbed on the back, and next time you can spy yourself not ask Zeeks do it for you, that is maybe the reason VVV was ordered to leave him alone.

No bad feelings a brother do mistakes but stilll a bother, i do not hate you but i will always remember you as a person with problems in RL ( as all we have) that found a way to feel better giving pain to others does not matter who........

So big Bro who is next? Gozar, Calamity,........ or the others that for you are nothing more than dead meat , I do not think Myrsee is in danger as you are friends in RL and would be quite difficult look at his face .

To alll community what i have to say is that i will be here for long time as I have great friends and an Academy to care of.

Now tell me man that you feel better after this hit,( finally you over me in the top ten UoH, but my name is there with DrEvil not Gumppy)) and I will be glad I could help you feel nice.

So long Big bro, give my respects to Mrs Gumppy and children.

dead brother soul copy rights

Re: DrEvil(aka Gumppy) vs PKromm[ZEFA] TD 27,639,423,450

I have a few rebuttal's to that i suppose.Yes i knew this hit was not gonna be popular with many but i find your reasoning for finding a why this happened interesting at best.

With regards to me looking to join ~V~ to find a safe haven i found the most ironic being how he was the 1 sought me out.After Tom and paradox formed Runes, at the time Slash was quitting ,and everyone was in VM with no way of knowing of any return from them.I was not the 1 hiding under a sister alliance tag of nemisis.I was the one taking it to them and had no problems playing the cat n mouse game as it was.

Not gonna get long winded on this alliance forming to help others BS..you can lead a camel to water but you can't make em drink.People either have it or they don't ...but i do remember way back before VVV expanded to what it is now how i mentioned bringing in people for small training and letting them know upfront how it was gonna be and than cutting them loose.It was viewed by couple paranoid people they would learn our online times blah blah blah.I couldn't help but think if you take care of your sh!t why would that matter,but we choose the expansion and it worked out great for a long run.

And as far as that HoF thing goes..you know how ignorant that statement is..I have never been concerned about my name being on top of that list.BOTH of your HoF's are there because i allowed it to be so..i feed you the curtis information and recalled my fleet at great cost to allow the logged hit so you could take it..how quickly we forget that i suppose.Even the Rukia hit could have been handled alone but i wanted to show the rest of the game what team work can accomplish if the effort is made by all involved.

As far as using Zeeks..can't think of anyone else that has not used those tactics before.and yes there was a no hit for the 1 week order given but it was lifted and zeeks knows where he stands in the pecking order.

My personal life is just fine btw and as far as this hit goes it is just another 1 of many made over the last few months.Just because you don't see any posts doesn't mean the hyena, snake,or Cain whatever you feel better calling me isn't eatting.

And if you feel pain in game so dead archaeologist can't even determine its origin than i feel for ya man.

I have no doubt you can come back wiser stronger than before so good luck to you on that!

Re: DrEvil(aka Gumppy) vs PKromm[ZEFA] TD 27,639,423,450

logged attack !!

I was waiting for sometime for that hit, but I did not try before as he could move and the cost would be very big.
After I decided to attack him , I saw that any of my mates where on line, I decided to go without a second thought ( if I had a second thought maybe i would not go, knowing the tricks the simulator is playing on us lately).

So I asked help from my buddy in arms and heart Skirmish, he moved fast and provide all asked help. Big thank's to you buddy

But still I needed some more details to be full filled before attack, than was the turn of my old and always friend TGE. Thank's dear friend.

Then come my mate Bobrox which assisted me with all the required help, Thank's mate

And the mate I like so much shows up, that is Fishpond, telling him what was going on he offer and gave all help. Thanks dude

And a special thank's for our leader Gumppy, he had already launched and I was still preparing the attack, exchanging Pms I told him I was going to attack Logged and had posted in our circulars 2 hours ago, what a great leader spirit he showed, immediately he recalled and wished me Good Luck. Is a pleasure to serve under your command, you are top #1 not only in points or fleet you are a top #1 leader and an example to be followed

Post subject: Pkromm [VVV] vs Curtis [A~O] TD:7,072,473,100
PostPosted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:51 pm
Beta Crew
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Joined: Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:10 pm
Posts: 37

I was almost ready to Log out, then checked PMs for last time and saw Gumppy's PM with a spy report and few single words: can you go for it ?
Before see where the fleet was landed, I recognize it, I had launched many times against it but always the Old Fox Curtis was on and moved last seconds before hit, playing the game Cat and rat.
Immediately I reply : moving deuterium I am ready to go. Than was the first surprise, transport mission arrived after 15 minutes but no deuterium was delivered, I sent again from 6 galaxies away,part of my heavy fleet were on deploy Mission and I did not want recall and wait they come back as I could lose the target, so I build 50k LF for fodder cross my fingers and attack without probe.

Well as you can see I wrote about both, and by the way feeling better now ? I hope so !!
now I am your baby Bro, till I grow you will be old, maybe like Dr Evil careful with the hair.lol
cya around Bro, once a Bro always a Bro for me at least !!