Nice hit!!! I can't believe you actually posted this.
Here's a guy who tries to attack me a couple of days ago (even after I let him know that I"m online) and wastes a lot of deuterium for no profit. Besides myself losing a little defenses, I get all the DF that he left me from his own lost ships so I actually made profit. Thanks Reaper!!
So he sees that I come out of vmode today from mother's day weekend, sees that all my ships are grounded, and decides to avenge his lost. He sends all 240 of his battleships (whoop dee doo
), so I decide to let him know I was online again. (
Yeah, you really were this close to hitting my fleet Reaper,
Where's the Honor in that!! I think you got the wrong forum buddy. This is the Union of Honor forum.
Beware All!! Fear the one who plays with no Honor (and the Record Holder for most Zorg Rubies bought)!!!
Dear Commander of No Honor, your Zorg Rubies can only buy you so much deuterium but it would be a priviledge if you would like to keep wasting it on me so that I can spare others of your awesome gaming skills!!
Happy Hunting (or mining if that's your thing) Y'All!!!
1 Warning for Flaming. ~Weresloth