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myrsee [vvv] vs Matts21 [BR 13] TD 318.944.100

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:28 pm
by Myrsee
Yesterday, I got a pm from Pwnage with his overview that Matts21 was attacking him. When I went to check Matts out, he was active. Going by the time that was then, and the time on the overview. I figured Matts would be active for another 4 hours. Sure enough 4 hours later the activity timer disappearred. Thinking that he may still be online, I launched at the inactive moon in the same sector. With about 5 minutes to go in that md, I launched a md at Matts moon. 2hours later Matts moon was popped and his fleet was exposed. Thought about doing an acs ninja, but I got greedy and was thinking about what may be in his cargo holds. So I had to wait 18 hours, untill his fleet returned. Knowing that I would be at work when I launched (could have launched sooner but there was other raiding to do). About 10 minutes before I needed to launch, I started setting things up. When all of a sudden my boss's, boss's, boss's, boss walks in to my work area. With him standing 4 feet away I needed to pull this off without getting I was able to launch with a 4 second gap. Then quickly went through the screens to launch my recs.

10 minutes later the bosses leave and I get a pm from Matts. Trying to psyche me out with gamesmanship (which I can respect if not admire). Then I got a message from an unnamed slothy type of moderater, saying that he was the one that gave Matts the new moon. Needless to say, this moderater (who will remain nameless), was able to recover some of the df.
When Matts21 realized that I was not going to recall, he pm'ed me with congratulations. Very classy and a true sportsman!

GLOTR Matts21!

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 4051741 units of Metal, 205647 units of Crystal and 703234 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 318.944.100 units.
A debris field containing 78.831.660 units of Metal and 20.459.100 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %

04-07 22:25:51 +0000 Aerospace Control Recycling Report
You collect; 69.901.660 units of Metal and 11.529.100 units of Crystal.

Re: myrsee [vvv] vs Matts21 [BR 13] TD 318.944.100

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:30 pm
by Weresloth
A good time was had by all :P Well... More so for some than others anyway

Re: myrsee [vvv] vs Matts21 [BR 13] TD 318.944.100

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:34 pm
by pwnage
Awesome hit, especially considering that you pulled it under your boss's, boss's, boss's, boss. GLOTR matts21, in the brief conversation we had, it turns out you wasn't what I expected you to be...

Re: myrsee [vvv] vs Matts21 [BR 13] TD 318.944.100

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:35 pm
by Ace
Well put, Were. Good hit myrsee.

Glotr, Matts.

Re: myrsee [vvv] vs Matts21 [BR 13] TD 318.944.100

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:43 pm
by matts21
YEAAAAAAAA I made it on the combate report list. Not the way I would have liked it but i made it. Good attack myrsee its all in good fun.

Re: myrsee [vvv] vs Matts21 [BR 13] TD 318.944.100

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:31 am
by snave0110
Greatz myrsee
GLTOR matt21

Re: myrsee [vvv] vs Matts21 [BR 13] TD 318.944.100

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:34 am
Whoa, 24 bil damage fired on 1st turn :?

Nice hit Myrsee.

GLoTR Matt.

Re: myrsee [vvv] vs Matts21 [BR 13] TD 318.944.100

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:21 am
by kuddlez17
nice hit man i still have a ways to go before i can be doin anything as impressive as this...(well unless someone would be so kind as to leave like 100K cargos sittin on an undefended can only hope for such a thing. lol) but yeah GLOTR Matts