Gumppy [VVV] vs vchris01 [AZR_WGS] TD 1.640.049.750

2000LC 4431BS 1 Recycler 1600 BC
A (Fleet) From the planet [xxx] reaches the planet [xxx]. It's mission Transport
A (Fleet) from the planet [xxx] back on the planet [xxx]. Its mission: Transport
Light Fighter 4 Battleship 174
Recycler 799 Espionage Ship 445
Solar Satellite 890 Battlecruiser 50

Rocket Launcher 16000 Light Laser 800000
Heavy Laser 12000 Gauss Cannon 3200
Ion Cannon 21500 Plasma Cannon 300
Small Shield Dome 1 Large Shield Dome 1

against little ole

Type B.ship RIP
Number 512.158 1.598


The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 709137 units of Metal, 299272 units of Crystal and 1248955 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.640.049.750 units.
A debris field containing 181.707.000 units of Metal and 79.100.850 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

will never stop amazing me how phalanx hits without popping moons are still possible after all this time :shock:

'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' George Santayana