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Shandris [VVV] vs Zorgon1 [ETERNA] TD - 356.1M

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:03 am
by Shandris
well, i said he was next, and he was :P

funny story behind this actually, by funny i mean extremely cruel. i had just come onto the chatroom and zorgon had just graciously told everyone that he had accidentally used to wrong gate and was stranded for an hour, so i checked his moon right next to my mobile and sure enough, there he was. i thought, he's a slippery fish, so this might be the only opportunity i have for a long time. i waited for about 20 minutes after probing so as not to arouse suspicion (he thought i didnt have a jump gate there anyway) and then decided to play dirty... so i challenged him to a game of pool in the chatroom, we started playing and just as we started i launched blind at the moon with a 4 minute battleship strike... kept him in the game long enough that he didnt notice my incoming fleet, success! i agree with gumppy, hitting people while they are online is fun ^^

now everyone thinks im cruel :lol:

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 0 units of Metal, 0 units of Crystal and 4.118 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 18.540.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 337.585.000 units.
A debris field containing 167.526.000 units of Metal and 46.149.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %

had to dash out to town just after the hit so i launched recyclers and hoped for the best...

You collect; 167.456.000 units of Metal and 46.079.000 units of Crystal.

good luck on your rebuild zorgon, and merry christmas! ^^

Re: Shandris [VVV] vs Zorgon1 [ETERNA] TD - 356.1M

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:58 am
by djmanj

the other gals drive a jaguar or a beetle but this one drives a TANK..

if ya not in VVV then ya betta watch ou fer the tornado cumin ya way.. :lol:

guess wat the weather bureau named the tornado.?????? yup you got that rite.. starts with an S..

Re: Shandris [VVV] vs Zorgon1 [ETERNA] TD - 356.1M

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:45 am
by SPY
Hmmmm, I pronounced you the pool queen, did not I. People should have noticed that. I am glad I stopped playing pool with you ;)

All in all a very well thought plan, not cruel but cunning. I wish if I could see Zorgon's face when he found eh got spanked. GLoTR Zorgon I know you will focus even more in this Christmas break. People watch out.

Re: Shandris [VVV] vs Zorgon1 [ETERNA] TD - 356.1M

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:51 am
Maybe when Zorgon was beating a certain intoxicated player :oops: , he mighta got a lil too confident and taken on Shandris :o . Nice hit Shandris, cunning and smart, but I'm never gonna play pool against u regardless...

GLoTR Zorgon, guess you have a New Years resolution...

Re: Shandris [VVV] vs Zorgon1 [ETERNA] TD - 356.1M

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:03 pm
by decadence
Cunning and sneaky.

But you should have let him win the pool at least! Really cruel! :lol:

Re: Shandris [VVV] vs Zorgon1 [ETERNA] TD - 356.1M

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:54 pm
by AmeOkami
Poor Zorgon...Glotr

Nice hit Shandris, but no more Reversi for you (Dhat)

Re: Shandris [VVV] vs Zorgon1 [ETERNA] TD - 356.1M

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:22 pm
by Rukai
Uhmmm so whos next now :roll: .
Glotr Zorgon1 and well played mademoiselle Ista.

Re: Shandris [VVV] vs Zorgon1 [ETERNA] TD - 356.1M

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:39 pm
by Weresloth
I don't think you're cruel, I know you are ;)

Re: Shandris [VVV] vs Zorgon1 [ETERNA] TD - 356.1M

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:22 pm
by dexternl
who won the pool game? :lol:

Re: Shandris [VVV] vs Zorgon1 [ETERNA] TD - 356.1M

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:37 am
by -Death-
had them same thoughts before..never acted upon them though!