Gumppy [VVV] vs djmanj [RUNES] TD 501,666,500

For sure an interesting evening..i was passed an espi report..seems to happen alot these days..of my little neighbor. Thinking to myself that it could be a good night to blind launch someone and he was just a good a target as any..kinda owed em one anyhow even though i did ninja him when he attacked me awhile back.

So i moved some deut down jumped the fleet..almost get cramped fingers typing in all those #'s.
was just getting ready to spring em and for some reason i decided to phalanx since fleet was sitting on the planet..planet with a moon..nah he wouldn't launch anything from planet..well we wouldn't be reading this if i didn't see anything on phalanx...quicky this became a 3 phase attack n ninja combo..

seriously before we go any further ..a must read for anyone The Art of War. Lets take a couple lines from the Master Sun Tzu that are relevant to this attack.

It is essential to seek out enemy agents who have come to conduct espionage against you and to bribe them to serve you. Give them instructions and care for them. Thus doubled agents are recruited and used.
a probe for probe reveals a sitting but attended fleet

The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.
target then decides to launch an attack without his use of invisibility therefore creating these Phalanx chances!

Phase 1 - Ninja the DF of his attack
You collect; 34.787.550 units of Metal and 18.485.700 units of Crystal.

Phase 2 - Take out the returning cyclers
The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 832341 units of Metal, 899806 units of Crystal and 479971 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 46.761.400 units.
A debris field containing 8.934.540 units of Metal and 4.871.400 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

Phase 3 - defeat the returning fleet
The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 865677 units of Metal, 361749 units of Crystal and 657731 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 501.666.500 units.
A debris field containing 221.148.000 units of Metal and 69.591.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %

Standard operating rules of engagement for me

1) Once the ships are in the air..there is no return..deut is spent..its non refundable..they are going thru

2) I run under the belief that if ships or res is laying around that someone is gonna hit it..might as well be me..

3) Once the ships are in the air..there is no return..deut is spent..its non refundable..they are going thru (the repeat was intentional so everyone gets the point)

4) A 200+ mil profit is just that a profit and no matter how many points i have in comparrison to the rest of the field its not why i play..i am a pixel hunter and that 4 point buck looks just as tasty as the 12 point buck beside em!

GlotR djmanj keep chin up and use those blue dots!

Re: Gumppy [VVV] vs djmanj [RUNES] TD 501,666,500

first things first..

gr8 hit gumpps.. it was timed to perfection.. there was nothing i cud do but watch..
i was online wen he hit raphael.. i tried evrything i cud jus to deny him the glory of battle..
he tol me goin into v mode wud be useless coz the hit would stil register.. i even tried destroying the planet but since it was my mother planet it cudn be destroyed.. i even thot of deleting the account but deres no instant delete on that.. so i jus watched ma puny fleet being chased by gumpps huge fleet n my proud lil fleet took a last stand at ma home planet.. they fought bravely... fired til the ammo got over.. fought till the last breath.. fought till dere were no ships to fight with.. alas!! they were no match for gumpps overwhelming fleet..

on the othr hand my RL is gettin hectic and the loss of my ships dint bother me much as i was thinkin o leavin ZE but ol curtis is up to his tricks agen and threatened me and ghost with dire consequences..jus to piss him off i will rebuild my fleets and hurt him where it hurts the most.. i have learnt with evry battle.. n i know for sure theres more to learn..

War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

Re: Gumppy [VVV] vs djmanj [RUNES] TD 501,666,500

djmanj wrote:first things first..

on the othr hand my RL is gettin hectic and the loss of my ships dint bother me much as i was thinkin o leavin ZE but ol curtis is up to his tricks agen and threatened me and ghost with dire consequences..jus to piss him off i will rebuild my fleets and hurt him where it hurts the most.. i have learnt with evry battle.. n i know for sure theres more to learn..
lol with the way your playing go ahead and come at me ill enjoy the free pizza