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curtis vs rougespear td 256.000.000

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:13 pm
by curtis
Attack Report [xxxx]

Attacker Loss: 1.533.000 Defender Loss:254.778.000
winnings Metal:715.718 Crystal:6.196.233 Deuterium:12.973.359
Debris Metal:103.154.700 Crystal:50.631.900 unfortanetly this was a bug according to rougespear

Re: curtis vs rougespear td 256.000.000

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:39 pm
by Istalris
Sweet ratio.

Glotr Rogue, again. :?


Re: curtis vs rougespear td 256.000.000

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 3:32 pm
by RogueSpearofTRA
Cheers ista, going well so far.
Nice hit by Curtis, hes actually been looking for me lately.
However Im a little confused as to why my fleet managed to do a 16 hour save in 6/7 hours. The admins tell me it must have been my fault so they cant interfere, which I see their point, but all the same I dont need to be happy about it.
Did you get all the DF this time curtis?
Sidenote: RIPs dont seem to be functioning properly, either that or mine were just acting weird. I dont think I got any RF rolls more than 6/7 shots...vs LF.