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AmeOkami [None]vs. Kabal[HellsAngels]

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:22 pm
by AmeOkami
I was looking for farms today and I found a fleet. He had a pretty annoying defense behind it so I started blasting. About half way through, he came on and invited me to HellsAngels...I kept quiet, waited a while, and continued on. A little bit later, he comes back on and. "an old friend of the azurewings huh? you just made yourself a new friend" then this "3 times," and finally "dude, why don't you join our alliance? interested?"
I ignored him and continued on after a break while he went offline. I continued on after this having no interest in joining the alliance after being threatened. Even later, I received these: "target's on your head now friend" and "you will regret all you have done today." After that, I finished blasting and launched, I launched...And...

Attacker Loss: 6.532.500 Defender Loss:18.297.900
winnings Metal:12.935 Crystal:6.898 Deuterium:72.403
Debris Metal:7.433.040 Crystal:5.085.000

Win, Debris field recovered. Threats get you know where, so you know Kabal.

How come everyone I crash ALWAYS has to come on and make threats to kill my fleet? :( I would say GLOTR, but sounds like you plan to have someone else take vengence for you.

Edit: Oh, and all I lost was fodder.

Re: AmeOkami [None]vs. Kabal[HellsAngels]

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:09 pm
by makks
Nice hit and i commend the persistence for the kill. Sorry to hear its kabal though, he's a good friend GLOTR buddy

Re: AmeOkami [None]vs. Kabal[HellsAngels]

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:00 pm
by RogueSpearofTRA
Nice hit ame, try and build up some more high shield ships though for a better ratio ;)
Foolish on kabal though, if youre being continuously nuked dont start pestering for the nuker to join you, once is fine, the rest is dumb.