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Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:00 pm
by Lightning
Everything was edited because apparently, I need to go back to some math classes :D :lol: .

Re: Gale Pwnage (CBR)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:12 pm
by adressor
If you call that pwnage you lose in HUGE WAY...

You lost more than you gained just in the battle and if you used IPM's first..omg what a newb lol

btw..its not nice to post Techs, you need to edit that out, it is against the rules.

Re: Gale Pwnage (CBR)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:15 pm
by AmeOkami
1) Wrong Location, next time post in the Combat section of the Union of Honor.
2) Weren't you going to hit, I think it was, Snave or Avalon's shell?
3) Not the best ratio.

Attacker Loss: 60.000 Defender Loss:2.644.100
winnings Metal:1.569.955 Crystal:783.840 Deuterium:714.960
Debris Metal:632.460 Crystal:642.600

The 60k is 4 LCs. :P

Re: Gale Pwnage (CBR)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:23 pm
by Lightning

Re: Gale Pwnage (CBR)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:25 pm
by Spankie
well, from what I see, you lost 1.1mil and gained less than 1mil back not including the IPMs you sent and teh deut to make the hit, so i would have to agree that was a major loss not any type of victory except a "i can hit you" kinda thing.

I dont know about your math but if Loss>Gain.....then its a lose not to mention the ENTIRE DF was YOUR loss, you simply crashed his defenses that 70% were re-instated.

Also yeah, take out the tech info as adressor stated and this post needs to be moved into UoH (Union of Horror)

Re: Gale Pwnage (CBR)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:28 pm
by Lightning
:lol: That's not what I was going for, but that is what it looks like. *scratches back of head* Glad it's just a game then!

---EPIC FAIL FOR GALE!--- (Rhymes ;) )

I'm not used to the whole "let's go raid some pplz" thing :D. I gotta learn how to play this game without thinking that I have 50+ people behind me :lol:.

Re: Whoops

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:24 pm
by RogueSpearofTRA
Vas is loss?
All details be missing :S

Also, just do the math Gale, it doesnt take THAT long xD

Re: Whoops

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:42 am
by Lightning
Hey, even I get lazy. Lol. :lol: Actually, it's kind of a relief knowing that I can afford to be lazy sometimes now. Feels good :)

Re: Whoops

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:43 am
by Weresloth
What happened?

Re: Whoops

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:57 am
by Lightning
Gale wrote:---EPIC FAIL FOR GALE!---
Lol that's what happened.