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16bobz16 [H-F] Vs cardsharksam [A~O] TD 434.715.400

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:13 pm
by 16bobz16
After a few abusive messages i set up to get A~O, unfortunatly the fleet i put my colony there to get, got moved 30s before i hit! However i plan to keep persuing :twisted: ! but anyway esp'd this guy next door! saw and launched.

Attacker Loss: 35.899.000 Defender Loss:398.816.400
winnings Metal:60.899 Crystal:922.330 Deuterium:4.843.794
Debris Metal:175.958.040 Crystal:77.985.000

Unfortunatly for me he came on after the hit and got a bit of the debris but the majority of the hit came back to me :D.

unfortunaly i don't feel like saying GLOTR cardsharksam, the messages were not too nice :(

Re: 16bobz16 [H-F] Vs cardsharksam [A~O] TD 4024063000

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:20 pm
by Zookon
Nice hit Bobz :)

Better luck next time with the debris.

GLOTR cardsharksam although I've seen your messages to Bobz and that's not 8-)

Re: 16bobz16 [H-F] Vs cardsharksam [A~O] TD 402.406.000

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:31 pm
by OneWingedAngel
sweet hit bobz! very nice ratio and 8-) TD
you n zookon are sure as hell's fury leadin us on up :D

Re: 16bobz16 [H-F] Vs cardsharksam [A~O] TD 402.406.000

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:45 pm
by Milito
Nice hit man! Love the ratios :P.
GLOTR cardsharkman.

Re: 16bobz16 [H-F] Vs cardsharksam [A~O] TD 402.406.000

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:54 pm
by Witchywoman
Nice hit Bobz.

cardsharksam :( I would say GLOTR but if what I am reading is true, then you are not showing good sportsmanship. I thought better of you until now. So I guess all I will say is

Bobz... hit him again harder.

Re: 16bobz16 [H-F] Vs cardsharksam [A~O] TD 434.715.400

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:53 am
by skirmish
Nice hit bobz!!! :D

GLOTR cardsharksam hope it is quick!

Re: 16bobz16 [H-F] Vs cardsharksam [A~O] TD 434.715.400

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:52 pm
by cardsharksam
yes it was a good hit but i had real life issues as my daughter had fallen and banged her head so the fleet didnt matter but he then had to threaten me not to touch his df to which he got my reply he should have sent his recyclers behind the attack not threaten because of his incompetence