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curtis{a~o}vs urweirdsaysi td:78.778.100

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:14 pm
by curtis
seen this guy bragging about how i couldnt hit him in the chat he was so sure i couldnt get him he gave me his time zone.a little too cocky maybe,ohh well.Attack Report [xxxx]

Attacker Loss: 4.020.000 Defender Loss:74.758.100
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:24.552.360 Crystal:22.714.500
follow ups:

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:5.582.100
winnings Metal:1.081.073 Crystal:2.657.339 Deuterium:2.657.339
Debris Metal:1.734.960 Crystal:1.614.300
Attack Report [xxxx]

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:540.536 Crystal:2.204.732 Deuterium:2.204.732
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
Attack Report []

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:270.268 Crystal:1.823.032 Deuterium:2.269.923
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0 glotr i can use more debris

Re: curtis{a~o}vs urweirdsaysi td:78.778.100

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:29 pm
by The_Templar
Nice hit, curtis!
Finally it looks like this war does not include only pooh flinging :lol:
curtis, mods, can this be copied to a topic "curtis vs Urweirdsaysi CRs only" topic in Alliance wars?

GLOTR Urweirdsaysi!

Re: curtis{a~o}vs urweirdsaysi td:78.778.100

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:31 pm
by curtis
ok ill move it

Re: curtis{a~o}vs urweirdsaysi td:78.778.100

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:09 pm
by OneWingedAngel
nice hit and good start to the war :D
gl with comeback hit urweird

Re: curtis{a~o}vs urweirdsaysi td:78.778.100

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:27 pm
by Urweirdsaysi
I'm back where I need to be, rofl. I didn't want my LF anyways. Though, this wasn't the ideal way to dispose of them, oh well.

Re: curtis{a~o}vs urweirdsaysi td:78.778.100

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:29 pm
by Thatguyeric
How can you not want LF? They draw attention away from your bigger ships.

Re: curtis{a~o}vs urweirdsaysi td:78.778.100

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:51 pm
by Urweirdsaysi
I don't have bigger ships :P I just had some LF and Cargos. The LF were pointless and I'm unsure why I bought them. I guess I had a plan for them at the time.

Re: curtis{a~o}vs urweirdsaysi td:78.778.100

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:01 pm
by curtis
a plan to get destroy muhahahahahah :mrgreen:

Re: curtis{a~o}vs urweirdsaysi td:78.778.100

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:31 pm
by -Death-
Thatguyeric wrote:How can you not want LF? They draw attention away from your bigger ships.

to a point they do...if you have 100k of them...but all those epic hits you see in forums..i can promise you nothing under a BS was used.

they only add to the TD to make a battle look bigger than it had to be..when you get hit by a fleet that does 200 mil dmg per'll understand then how pointless it was to build them!

Re: curtis{a~o}vs urweirdsaysi td:78.778.100

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:01 am
by valadeva
nice start curtis, i though this war only provide with flaming/trolling/spamming report only,
but well this will be a nice start CR ;)